Test ran at 2025-03-05 13:11:34.827647+00:00 SOLUTION: adare_hqc256=0.2.3: Post Quantum Computer Resistant Cryptograph KEM, HQC 256 Ada bind. Origin: commit bbba67491702dff110606508f1832140f049381f from https://github.com/danieagle/adare_hqc256.git Properties: Author: Daniel Norte de Moraes Build Switches: Description: Post Quantum Computer Resistant Cryptograph KEM, HQC 256 Ada bind. License: Unlicense Long_Description: HQC (Hamming Quasi-Cyclic) is a code-based public key encryption scheme designed to provide security against attacks by both classical and quantum computers. HQC has been submitted to the NIST's Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Project. Adare_HQC256 is a Ada 2012 bind to HQC-256 C. Adare_HQC256 has a 512 bits Shared Secret size. (C version at https://github.com/PQClean/PQClean) How a Bonus all Ada packages in this lib is "Ada Pure"! :-) Maintainer: Daniel Norte de Moraes Maintainers_Logins: danieagle Name: adare_hqc256 Tag: kem Tag: pqc Tag: ss512bits Version: 0.2.3 Website: LOG: Spawning: alr -d -n get --build adare_hqc256=0.2.3 Note: Deploying adare_hqc256=0.2.3... Note: Building adare_hqc256=0.2.3/adare_hqc256.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project Adare_Hqc256 [mkdir] library directory for project Adare_Hqc256 Compile [C] reed_muller.c [C] parsing.c [C] reed_solomon.c [C] shake_prng.c [C] gf.c [C] kem.c [C] fft.c [C] vector.c [C] gf2x.c [C] shake_ds.c [C] code.c [C] hqc.c [C] fips202.c [C] randombytes.c [Ada] adare_hqc256-inners.ads [Ada] adare_hqc256.ads [Ada] adare_hqc256-hqc.adb Build Libraries [gprlib] adare_hqc256.lexch [link library] libadare_hqc256.so adare_hqc256=0.2.3 successfully retrieved and built. There are no dependencies. Found declared GPR file: adare_hqc256.gpr