Test ran at 2024-10-13 12:39:27.252354+00:00 SOLUTION: adl_middleware=0.2.0: Middleware layer of the Ada Drivers Library project Origin: commit 623c69130b33accb028f94ad43fd911990c1181d from https://github.com/Fabien-Chouteau/adl-middleware.git Properties: Author: AdaCore Build Switches: Config type: Max_Mount_Name_Length : Integer range 1 .. 9223372036854775807 default: '128' Config type: Max_Mount_Points : Integer range 1 .. 9223372036854775807 default: '2' Config type: Max_Path_Length : Integer range 1 .. 9223372036854775807 default: '1024' Configuration: no modifiers Description: Middleware layer of the Ada Drivers Library project License: BSD-3-Clause Long_Description: # adl_middleware Middleware layer of the Ada Drivers Library project. This crate is a snapshot of the `middleware` of [Ada Drivers Library](https://github.com/AdaCore/Ada_Drivers_Library/tree/master/middleware). Any bug report, issue, contribution must be adressed to the [Ada Drivers Library](https://github.com/AdaCore/Ada_Drivers_Library/) repo. Maintainer: chouteau@adacore.com Maintainers_Logins: Fabien-Chouteau Name: adl_middleware Project_File: adl_middleware.gpr Tag: embedded Tag: nostd Tag: fat Tag: bitmap Version: 0.2.0 Website: https://github.com/AdaCore/Ada_Drivers_Library/ Dependencies (direct): hal~0.3.0 Dependencies (solution): hal=0.3.0 Dependencies (graph): adl_middleware=0.2.0 --> hal=0.3.0 (~0.3.0) LOG: Note: Deploying adl_middleware=0.2.0... Note: Deploying hal=0.3.0... Note: Building adl_middleware/adl_middleware.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project HAL [mkdir] library directory for project HAL [mkdir] object directory for project Adl_Middleware [mkdir] library directory for project Adl_Middleware Compile [Ada] hal-bitmap.ads [Ada] hal-gpio.ads [Ada] hal-sdmmc.adb [Ada] hal-i2c.ads [Ada] hal-audio.ads [Ada] hal-touch_panel.ads [Ada] hal-framebuffer.ads [Ada] hal-filesystem.ads [Ada] hal.ads [Ada] hal-uart.ads [Ada] hal-dsi.ads [Ada] hal-block_drivers.ads [Ada] hal-spi.ads [Ada] hal-time.ads [Ada] hal-real_time_clock.ads [Ada] adl_middleware_config.ads [Ada] command_line.adb [Ada] command_line-filesystem-cat.adb [Ada] command_line-filesystem.adb [Ada] command_line-filesystem-remove_directory.adb [Ada] command_line-filesystem-touch.adb [Ada] command_line-filesystem-list_directory.adb [Ada] sdmmc_init.adb [Ada] simple_synthesizer.adb [Ada] pathname_manipulation.adb [Ada] filesystem-fat.adb [Ada] partitions.adb [Ada] filesystem-mbr.adb [Ada] file_io.adb [Ada] filesystem-fat-directories.adb [Ada] filesystem.ads [Ada] filesystem-fat-files.adb [Ada] logging_with_priority.adb [Ada] hex_dump.adb [Ada] logging_with_categories.adb [Ada] file_block_drivers.adb [Ada] logging.adb [Ada] neopixel.adb [Ada] bitmap_color_conversion.adb [Ada] memory_mapped_bitmap.adb [Ada] soft_drawing_bitmap.adb [Ada] bitmap_file_output.adb [Ada] bluetooth_low_energy-beacon.adb [Ada] bluetooth_low_energy.adb [Ada] bluetooth_low_energy-packets.adb [Ada] monitor.ads [Ada] monitor-block_drivers.adb [Ada] adl_config.ads Build Libraries [gprlib] hal.lexch [gprlib] Adl_Middleware.lexch [archive] libhal.a [index] libhal.a [archive] libAdl_Middleware.a [index] libAdl_Middleware.a Build finished successfully in 9.42 seconds. adl_middleware=0.2.0 successfully retrieved and built. Dependencies were solved as follows: + hal 0.3.0 (new) Found declared GPR file: adl_middleware.gpr