Test ran at 2025-03-05 13:12:57.930975+00:00 SOLUTION: aflex=1.7.0: An Ada Lexical Analyzer Generator Origin: commit 77dbb4dadecc689de9e050652e8900ad40a47da5 from https://github.com/Ada-France/aflex.git Properties: Author: John Self Configuration: no modifiers Description: An Ada Lexical Analyzer Generator Environment: MANPATH=${CRATE_ROOT}/man:${MANPATH} Environment: PATH=${CRATE_ROOT}/bin:${PATH} Executable: aflex GPR Scenario: AFLEX_BUILD := distrib | debug | optimize | profile | coverage License: Unlicense Long_Description: Aflex is a lexical analyzer generating tool similar to the Unix tool lex. The first implementation was written by John Self of the Arcadia project at the University of California, Irvine. The last version that was released appeared to be the aflex 1.4a released in 1994. Aflex was used and improved by P2Ada, the Pascal to Ada translator. This version of Aflex is derived from the P2Ada aflex implementation released in August 2010. This version brings a number of improvements: - Aflex generates the spec and body files as separate files so that there is no need to use gnatchop to split the DFA and IO files. - Aflex uses the lex file name to generate the package name and it supports child package with the `%unit` directive. - Aflex supports reentrant scanner through the use of `%option reentrant`, `%yyvar` and `%yydecl` directives. Maintainer: Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com Maintainers_Logins: stcarrez Name: aflex Tag: parser Tag: generator Tag: grammar Version: 1.7 Website: https://github.com/Ada-France/aflex LOG: Spawning: alr -d -n get --build aflex=1.7.0 Note: Deploying aflex=1.7.0... Note: Building aflex=1.7.0/aflex.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project aflex [mkdir] exec directory for project aflex Compile [Ada] aflex.adb aflex.adb:66:38: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] dfa.adb [Ada] gen.adb [Ada] main_body.adb [Ada] misc.adb main_body.adb:25:52: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] misc_defs.adb gen.adb:25:17: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] template_manager.adb misc_defs.ads:29:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] command_line_interface.adb misc.adb:31:31: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] misc.ads:28:26: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] ecs.adb [Ada] external_file_manager.adb dfa.ads:25:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] int_io.ads external_file_manager.ads:27:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] lex_parser.adb [Ada] parse_tokens.ads [Ada] skeleton_manager.adb int_io.ads:24:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] tstring.ads [Ada] scanner.adb [Ada] ascan_dfa.adb [Ada] ccl.adb [Ada] nfa.adb lex_parser.adb:2:52: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] tblcmp.adb ccl.ads:24:17: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] template_manager-templates.ads [Ada] vstrings.adb vstrings.ads:161:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] aflex_scanner.adb [Ada] parse_goto.ads [Ada] parse_shift_reduce.ads [Ada] sym.adb nfa.adb:26:14: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] ascan_io.adb sym.adb:25:17: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] Bind [gprbind] aflex.bexch [Ada] aflex.ali Link [link] aflex.adb aflex=1.7.0 successfully retrieved and built. There are no dependencies. Found declared GPR file: aflex.gpr