Test ran at 2025-03-23 00:54:03.709083+00:00 SOLUTION: ayacc=1.4.1: An Ada LARL(1) parser generator Origin: commit 2ec635a270080bce7cd42403ba28729173ed7c88 from https://github.com/Ada-France/ayacc.git Properties: Author: David Taback Author: Deepak Tolani Configuration: no modifiers Description: An Ada LARL(1) parser generator Environment: MANPATH=${CRATE_ROOT}/man:${MANPATH} Environment: PATH=${CRATE_ROOT}/bin:${PATH} Executable: ayacc GPR Scenario: AYACC_BUILD := distrib | debug | optimize | profile | coverage License: Unlicense Long_Description: Ayacc is an Ada parser generator in the style of yacc(1). The first implementation was written by David Taback and Deepak Tolani at the University of California, Irvine. The last version that was released appeared to be the Ayacc 1.1 released in 1994. Ayacc was used and improved by P2Ada, the Pascal to Ada translator. This version of Ayacc is derived from the P2Ada ayacc implementation released in August 2010. This version brings a number of improvements: - Ayacc now uses more standard options to configure the code generation - The parser was improved to configure the parser stack size and support Ada child packages. - The grammar supports the %unit directive to control the Ada child packages. - Several options provide a better control of the generated code. - Ayacc can generate a reentrant parser. Maintainer: Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com Maintainers_Logins: stcarrez Name: ayacc Tag: parser Tag: generator Tag: grammar Version: 1.4.1 Website: https://github.com/Ada-France/ayacc LOG: Spawning: alr -d -n get --build ayacc=1.4.1 Note: Deploying ayacc=1.4.1... Note: Building ayacc=1.4.1/ayacc.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project ayacc [mkdir] exec directory for project ayacc Compile [Ada] ayacc.adb ayacc.adb:60:114: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] ayacc_file_names.adb [Ada] error_report_file.adb [Ada] options.adb [Ada] output_file.adb error_report_file.adb:1:24: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] parse_table.adb [Ada] parse_template_file.adb [Ada] parser.adb [Ada] rule_table.adb [Ada] source_file.adb [Ada] symbol_table.adb source_file.adb:49:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] tokens_file.adb [Ada] str_pack.adb parser.adb:49:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] string_pkg.adb parse_table.adb:44:63: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] actions_file.adb [Ada] parse_template_file-templates.ads tokens_file.adb:55:51: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] lexical_analyzer.adb actions_file.adb:53:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] goto_file.adb [Ada] lalr_symbol_info.adb goto_file.adb:1:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] lr0_machine.adb [Ada] shift_reduce_file.adb shift_reduce_file.adb:1:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] symbol_info.adb symbol_info.adb:44:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] verbose_file.adb lalr_symbol_info.adb:53:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] ragged.adb ragged.adb:1:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] stack_pack.adb stack_pack.adb:1:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] string_pkg.adb:13:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] lists.adb [Ada] stack_pkg.adb lists.adb:1:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] stack_pkg.adb:13:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] verbose_file.adb:49:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] lr0_machine.adb:44:19: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj] [Ada] set_pack.adb Bind [gprbind] ayacc.bexch [Ada] ayacc.ali Link [link] ayacc.adb ayacc=1.4.1 successfully retrieved and built. There are no dependencies. Found declared GPR file: ayacc.gpr