Test ran at 2025-02-13 12:31:32.034135+00:00 SOLUTION: bb_pico_bsp=0.1.0: Ada BSP for the Keyboard Featherwing + RPI PICO Origin: commit 76f9999eba98bf8b1088fc18b6e23325fd8adc75 from https://github.com/Fabien-Chouteau/bb_pico_bsp.git Properties: Author: Fabien Chouteau Config set: lvgl_ada {Color_16_SWAP := true, Density_Per_Inch := 50, Double_Buffering := true, Horizontal_Resolution := 320, Pixel_Bit_Depth := Pix_16bit, Theme_Live_Update := true, Vertical_Resolution := 240, Virtual_Display_Buffer_Size := 30720} Configuration: no modifiers Description: Ada BSP for the Keyboard Featherwing + RPI PICO GPR External: EMBEDDED_COMPONENTS_COMPILE_CHECKS := disabled License: MIT Maintainer: Fabien Chouteau Maintainers_Logins: Fabien-Chouteau Name: bb_pico_bsp Tag: embedded Tag: pico Tag: handheld Tag: featherwing Version: 0.1.0 Website: https://github.com/Fabien-Chouteau/bb_pico_bsp Dependencies (direct): embedded_components~0.1.0 lvgl_ada~0.2.0 pico_bsp^1.0.0 Dependencies (solution): adl_middleware=0.1.1 atomic=0.5.0 bbqueue=0.3.2 cortex_m=0.3.0 embedded_components=0.1.0 gnat=14.2.1 (gnat_native) hal=0.1.0 lvgl_ada=0.2.0 pico_bsp=1.6.0 rp2040_hal=1.6.0 usb_embedded=0.2.0 Dependencies (missing): gnat_arm_elf^11.2 (indirect,missed:unavailable) Dependencies (graph): adl_middleware=0.1.1 --> hal=0.1.0 (^0.1.0) bb_pico_bsp=0.1.0 --> embedded_components=0.1.0 (~0.1.0) bb_pico_bsp=0.1.0 --> lvgl_ada=0.2.0 (~0.2.0) bb_pico_bsp=0.1.0 --> pico_bsp=1.6.0 (^1.0.0) bbqueue=0.3.2 --> atomic=0.5.0 (~0.5) bbqueue=0.3.2 --> gnat=14.2.1 (gnat_native) (>=10) cortex_m=0.3.0 --> hal=0.1.0 (^0.1.0) embedded_components=0.1.0 --> adl_middleware=0.1.1 (^0.1.0) embedded_components=0.1.0 --> hal=0.1.0 (^0.1.0) pico_bsp=1.6.0 --> hal=0.1.0 (~0.1) pico_bsp=1.6.0 --> rp2040_hal=1.6.0 (^1.6) rp2040_hal=1.6.0 --> cortex_m=0.3.0 (~0.3) rp2040_hal=1.6.0 --> gnat_arm_elf^11.2 rp2040_hal=1.6.0 --> hal=0.1.0 (~0.1) rp2040_hal=1.6.0 --> usb_embedded=0.2.0 (~0.2) usb_embedded=0.2.0 --> bbqueue=0.3.2 (~0.3.0) usb_embedded=0.2.0 --> hal=0.1.0 (~0.1.0) Dependencies cannot be met LOG: