Test ran at 2025-02-15 00:40:17.490896+00:00 SOLUTION: byteflippers=1.1.0: Signed/modular types for system, big and little endian reading/writing. Origin: commit 6a0c43ead736c3cece4c176f69fcebe0ca1d4b64 from https://github.com/Bread-Experts-Group/byteflippers.git Properties: Author: Miko Elbrecht Description: Signed/modular types for system, big and little endian reading/writing. License: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception Long_Description: Modular and signed types to convert between big and little endian, such as 50 (0x00000032) to 838860800 (0x32000000). Currently supported are 16/24/[32/64/128]-bit sized signed/modular/fp numeric types for big/little endian respectively, as well as system-endian dependent base types for 8/16/24/[32/64/128]-bit signed/modular/fp numeric types (for both categories: numbers in square brackets indicate the supported sizes of floating-points (fp.))) All types are compatible with `Interfaces` operators, such as `Shift_Left`, `Shift_Right`, `Rotate_Left`, `Rotate_Right`, as well as (where applicable) `xor`, `and`, `or`. **NOTE:** This library depends on the GNAT compiler, as it depends on the `Provide_Shift_Operators` pragma. If you need support for another compiler, please let me know, and I'll try to support it. ## Example Use ```ada with Byteflippers; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; procedure Scratch is package Endians_u32 renames Byteflippers.Endians_Unsigned_32; F : File_Type; S : Stream_Access; begin Create (F, Name => "test.bin"); S := Stream (F); Byteflippers.Signed_32'Write (S, 1234); Endians_u32.Little_Endian'Write (S, 5678); Endians_u32.Little_Endian'Write (S, 9101); Endians_u32.Big_Endian'Write (S, 1213); Endians_u32.Big_Endian'Write (S, 1415); Close (F); Open (F, In_File, "test.bin"); S := Stream (F); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("# System Endian Test"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Byteflippers.Signed_32'Input (S)'Image); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("# Little Endian Test (System / Little)"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Byteflippers.Signed_32'Input (S)'Image); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Endians_u32.Little_Endian'Input (S)'Image); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("# Big Endian Test (System / Big)"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Byteflippers.Signed_32'Input (S)'Image); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Endians_u32.Big_Endian'Input (S)'Image); end Scratch; ``` Maintainer: Miko Elbrecht Maintainers_Logins: ATPStorages Name: byteflippers Tag: byte Tag: endian Tag: flip Tag: swap Tag: msb Tag: lsb Tag: big-endian Tag: little-endian Version: 1.1.0 Website: https://github.com/Bread-Experts-Group/byteflippers LOG: Spawning: alr -d -n get --build byteflippers=1.1.0 Note: Deploying byteflippers=1.1.0... Note: Building byteflippers=1.1.0/byteflippers.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project Byteflippers [mkdir] library directory for project Byteflippers Compile [Ada] byteflippers_config.ads completed 1 out of 3 (33%)... [Ada] byteflipper_generics.adb completed 2 out of 3 (66%)... [Ada] byteflippers.ads gnat1: invalid switch: -gnat2022 completed 3 out of 3 (100%)... gnat1: invalid switch: -gnat2022 gnat1: invalid switch: -gnat2022 compilation of byteflippers.ads failed compilation of byteflipper_generics.adb failed compilation of byteflippers_config.ads failed gprbuild: *** compilation phase failed stderr: Command ["gprbuild", "-s", "-j0", "-p", "-P", "/home/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/test/f249de26-9a44-46de-8224-d173a221db31/byteflippers_1.1.0_6a0c43ea/byteflippers.gpr"] exited with code 4 ERROR: Command ["gprbuild", "-s", "-j0", "-p", "-P", "/home/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/test/f249de26-9a44-46de-8224-d173a221db31/byteflippers_1.1.0_6a0c43ea/byteflippers.gpr"] exited with code 4 stderr: ALIRE.CHECKED_ERROR stderr: Command ["gprbuild", "-s", "-j0", "-p", "-P", "/home/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/test/f249de26-9a44-46de-8224-d173a221db31/byteflippers_1.1.0_6a0c43ea/byteflippers.gpr"] exited with code 4 stderr: raised ALIRE.CHECKED_ERROR : alire-stored-error:1 [/home/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/alire_install/bin/alr] 0xe16f5e Alire.Raise_Checked_Error at alire.adb:284 0xa845be Alire.Os_Lib.Subprocess.Checked_Spawn at alire-os_lib-subprocess.adb:111 0xcef7be Alire.Spawn.Command at alire-spawn.adb:21 0xcefdde Alire.Spawn.Gprbuild at alire-spawn.adb:41 0xc31d1f Alire.Roots.Build at alire-roots.adb:186 0xc304da Alire.Roots.Build at alire-roots.adb:252 0xc53d6f Alire.Roots.Traverse at alire-roots.adb:2075 0xcba1fd Alire.Solutions.Traverse.Visit at alire-solutions.adb:1480 0xcb9344 Alire.Solutions.Traverse at alire-solutions.adb:1563 0xc53e62 Alire.Roots.Traverse at alire-roots.adb:2079 0xc53f21 Alire.Roots.Traverse at alire-roots.adb:2059 0xc30a46 Alire.Roots.Build at alire-roots.adb:283 0xc30b2b Alire.Roots.Build at alire-roots.adb:111 0x4a5e38 Alr.Commands.Get.Retrieve at alr-commands-get.adb:205 0x4a94f3 Alr.Commands.Get.Execute at alr-commands-get.adb:378 0x4a96a1 Alr.Commands.Get.Execute at alr-commands-get.adb:256 0x533c96 Alr.Commands.Sub_Cmd.Execute at clic-subcommand-instance.adb:749 0x53eff7 Alr.Commands.Execute at alr-commands.adb:561 0x43953a Alr.Main at alr-main.adb:13 0x43c1d3 Main at b__alr-main.adb:2299 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6] 0x7f4e7562a1c8 0x7f4e7562a289 [/home/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/alire_install/bin/alr] 0x4393dc _start at ??? 0xfffffffffffffffe Warning: byteflippers=1.1.0 successfully retrieved but its build failed. There are no dependencies. ERROR: Build ended with errors