Test ran at 2025-02-21 12:27:14.023840+00:00 SOLUTION: cashe=1.0.0: A fixed-point decimal money library written in Ada. Origin: commit d142893b6036e384daa3e8a9172f133c204ee5a7 from https://github.com/AJ-Ianozi/Cashe.git Properties: Author: AJ Ianozi Description: A fixed-point decimal money library written in Ada. License: MIT Maintainer: AJ Ianozi Maintainers_Logins: AJ-Ianozi Name: cashe Tag: currency Tag: money Tag: decimal Tag: finance Version: 1.0.0 Website: https://github.com/AJ-Ianozi/Cashe/ Dependencies (direct): gnat>=12 & <2000 iso^2.0.0 Dependencies (solution): gnat=14.2.1 (gnat_native) iso=2.0.0 Dependencies (graph): cashe=1.0.0 --> gnat=14.2.1 (gnat_native) (>=12 & <2000) cashe=1.0.0 --> iso=2.0.0 (^2.0.0) LOG: Spawning: alr -d -n get --build cashe=1.0.0 Note: Deploying cashe=1.0.0... Note: Deploying iso=2.0.0... Note: Building cashe=1.0.0/cashe.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project ISO [mkdir] library directory for project ISO [mkdir] object directory for project Cashe [mkdir] library directory for project Cashe Compile [Ada] iso_config.ads [Ada] iso-countries.adb [Ada] iso.ads [Ada] iso-currencies.adb [Ada] cashe_config.ads iso-currencies.adb:244:34: error: literal out of range of type Standard.Character compilation of iso-currencies.adb failed gprbuild: *** compilation phase failed stderr: Command ["gprbuild", "-s", "-j0", "-p", "-P", "/Users/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/test/15271b22-505b-4939-8015-29154fc5bc08/cashe_1.0.0_d142893b/cashe.gpr"] exited with code 4 ERROR: Command ["gprbuild", "-s", "-j0", "-p", "-P", "/Users/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/test/15271b22-505b-4939-8015-29154fc5bc08/cashe_1.0.0_d142893b/cashe.gpr"] exited with code 4 stderr: ALIRE.CHECKED_ERROR stderr: Command ["gprbuild", "-s", "-j0", "-p", "-P", "/Users/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/test/15271b22-505b-4939-8015-29154fc5bc08/cashe_1.0.0_d142893b/cashe.gpr"] exited with code 4 stderr: raised ALIRE.CHECKED_ERROR : alire-stored-error:1 Load address: 0x1022a0000 Call stack traceback locations: 0x102ed06cc 0x102ed072c 0x102ca57a8 0x10290d3ec 0x102b7e03c 0x102b7e5b4 0x102acb834 0x102aca038 0x102aec508 0x102b4c028 0x102b4b458 0x102aec5e4 0x102aec6cc 0x102aca53c 0x102aca66c 0x10231f1a8 0x102322564 0x1023226e4 0x1023aa178 0x1023b4f5c 0x1022a2018 0x1022a6bd8 Warning: cashe=1.0.0 successfully retrieved but its build failed. Dependencies were solved as follows: +b gnat 14.2.1 (new,gnat_native,binary) + iso 2.0.0 (new) ERROR: Build ended with errors