Test ran at 2024-05-28 02:08:17.213540+00:00 SOLUTION: cortex_m=0.5.0: Drivers for Cortex-M micro-controllers (NVIC, SysTick, etc.) Origin: commit 39667d15f4df10da6ecfd94af47c463bb54ff2d6 from https://github.com/Fabien-Chouteau/cortex-m.git Properties: Author: AdaCore Config type: core : Enum (m0, m0p, m4, m4f, m7f, m7df) Configuration: no modifiers Description: Drivers for Cortex-M micro-controllers (NVIC, SysTick, etc.) License: BSD-3-Clause Long_Description: # cortex-m Ada drivers for the peripherals of ARM Cortex-M micro-controllers (NVIC,\nSysTick, etc.) This crate is a snapshot of the `Cortex-M` support in [Ada Drivers Library](https://github.com/AdaCore/Ada_Drivers_Library/tree/master/arch/ARM/cortex_m). Any bug report, issue, contribution must be adressed to the [Ada Drivers Library](https://github.com/AdaCore/Ada_Drivers_Library/) repo. Maintainer: chouteau@adacore.com Maintainers_Logins: Fabien-Chouteau Name: cortex_m Tag: embedded Tag: arm Tag: nostd Version: 0.5.0 Website: https://github.com/AdaCore/Ada_Drivers_Library/ Dependencies (direct): gnat_arm_elf>=12 hal~0.3 Dependencies (solution): gnat_arm_elf=12.2.1 (installed) hal=0.3.0 Dependencies (graph): cortex_m=0.5.0 --> gnat_arm_elf=12.2.1 (>=12) cortex_m=0.5.0 --> hal=0.3.0 (~0.3) LOG: Note: Deploying cortex_m=0.5.0... Note: Deploying hal=0.3.0... stderr: Configuration variable 'cortex_m.core not set and has no default value. ERROR: Configuration variable 'cortex_m.core not set and has no default value.