Test ran at 2024-05-20 01:10:35.223652+00:00 SOLUTION: freetypeada=0.1.0: Thick binding to the FreeType library Origin: commit 4fd90f573dc83a9b23e462520a60eb6a8dd92878 from https://github.com/flyx/FreeTypeAda.git Properties: Author: Felix Krause Description: Thick binding to the FreeType library case OS is when Linux => GPR External: FreeType_Linker_Param := -lfreetype when Macos => GPR External: FreeType_Linker_Param := -lfreetype when Windows => GPR External: FreeType_Linker_Param := -lfreetype-6 License: MIT Maintainer: Felix Krause Maintainers_Logins: flyx Name: freetypeada Project_File: freetype.gpr Tag: fonts Tag: rendering Version: 0.1.0 Website: https://github.com/flyx/FreeTypeAda Dependencies (direct): case OS is when Linux => libfreetype^2 when Windows => libfreetype^2 Dependencies (solution): libfreetype=2.13.2 Dependencies (graph): freetypeada=0.1.0 --> libfreetype=2.13.2 (^2) LOG: Note: Deploying freetypeada=0.1.0... Note: Migrating lockfile from /home/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/test/bbc1a2a8-16cc-4143-89da-9e5c9d02aaaa/freetypeada_0.1.0_4fd90f57/alire.lock to /home/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/test/bbc1a2a8-16cc-4143-89da-9e5c9d02aaaa/freetypeada_0.1.0_4fd90f57/alire/alire.lock Note: Deploying libfreetype=2.13.2... The system package 'freetype2' is about to be installed. This action might require admin privileges and impact your system installation. Do you want Alire to install this system package? Using default: Yes resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... warning: dependency cycle detected: warning: harfbuzz will be installed before its freetype2 dependency Package (4) New Version Net Change Download Size extra/graphite 1:1.3.14-3 0.20 MiB 0.08 MiB extra/harfbuzz 8.5.0-1 4.06 MiB 1.05 MiB extra/libpng 1.6.43-1 0.57 MiB 0.24 MiB extra/freetype2 2.13.2-1 1.63 MiB 0.51 MiB Total Download Size: 1.89 MiB Total Installed Size: 6.46 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] :: Retrieving packages... harfbuzz-8.5.0-1-x86_64 downloading... freetype2-2.13.2-1-x86_64 downloading... libpng-1.6.43-1-x86_64 downloading... graphite-1:1.3.14-3-x86_64 downloading... checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing libpng... installing graphite... Optional dependencies for graphite graphite-docs: Documentation installing harfbuzz... Optional dependencies for harfbuzz harfbuzz-utils: utilities installing freetype2... :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate... Note: Building freetypeada/freetype.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project FreeType [mkdir] library directory for project FreeType Compile [ada] ft.adb [ada] ft-api.ads [ada] ft-api-glyphs.ads [ada] ft-errors.adb [ada] ft-faces.adb [ada] ft-utilities.adb [ada] ft-glyphs.adb Build Libraries [gprlib] FreeTypeAda.lexch [archive] libFreeTypeAda.a [index] libFreeTypeAda.a Build finished successfully in 0.60 seconds. freetypeada=0.1.0 successfully retrieved and built. Dependencies were solved as follows: + libfreetype 2.13.2 (new) Found declared GPR file: freetype.gpr