Test ran at 2025-02-16 01:27:30.589303+00:00 SOLUTION: image_random=20200720.0.0: True random numbers from a digital camera Origin: commit 594a238aeb5b9da8a25b14c077584d6e2431f93b from https://github.com/bracke/Image_Random.git Properties: Author: Jeff Carter Build Switches: Description: True random numbers from a digital camera License: BSD-3-Clause Long_Description: # Image_Random True random numbers from a digital camera This works under Linux with the GNAT compiler; modification for other platforms or compilers is left as an exercise for the desperate Ideally, the camera should have its lens cap on, or have a similar dark covering, so the image is of the camera sensor noise However, another randomly changing scene, such as a lava lamp or aquarium, may also work This is slow and only produces 64 random bytes; if you need more, it is probably best to use these bytes to seed a high-quality pseudo-random number generator, such as the Threefry generator Maintainer: Bent Bracke Maintainers_Logins: bracke Name: image_random Tag: random Tag: numbers Tag: camera Version: 20200720 Website: https://github.com/bracke/Image_Random Dependencies (direct): gnat<13.0 | >=13.3 Dependencies (solution): gnat=14.2.1 (gnat_native) Dependencies (graph): image_random=20200720.0.0 --> gnat=14.2.1 (gnat_native) (<13.0 | >=13.3) LOG: Spawning: alr -d -n get --build image_random=20200720.0.0 Note: Deploying image_random=20200720.0.0... Note: Building image_random=20200720.0.0/image_random.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project Image_Random [mkdir] library directory for project Image_Random Compile [Ada] image_random_config.ads [Ada] image_random.adb Build Libraries [gprlib] Image_Random.lexch [archive] libImage_Random.a [index] libImage_Random.a image_random=20200720.0.0 successfully retrieved and built. Dependencies were solved as follows: +b gnat 14.2.1 (new,gnat_native,binary) Found declared GPR file: image_random.gpr