Test ran at 2024-09-05 01:14:22.656737+00:00 SOLUTION: ini_files=10.0.0: A standalone, portable Ada package for configuration files Origin: source archive ini-files-10.zip at https://sourceforge.net/projects/ini-files/files/ini-files/ini-files-10.zip with hash sha512:6f2bab21ce53d8b4448d30c0fc1b0bd4ec070120f6343ff176dbec338530e8d7948e14fd8e991b26f108f60cd7dc44531a537c8ca087c66ffca4d9993de32f60 Properties: Author: Rolf Ebert Author: Gautier de Montmollin Description: A standalone, portable Ada package for configuration files Executable: test_config License: MIT Maintainer: rolf.ebert.gcc@gmx.de Maintainer: gdemont@hotmail.com Maintainers_Logins: RREE Maintainers_Logins: zertovitch Name: ini_files Project_File: ini_files.gpr Tag: ini Tag: cfg Tag: config Version: 10.0.0 Website: https://sourceforge.net/p/ini-files/ LOG: Note: Deploying ini_files=10.0.0... #=#=# ##=#=# ##-=#=-# # #-=#=-# ######################################################################## 100.0% # #-=#=- # ######################################################################## 100.0% Note: Building ini_files/ini_files.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project Ini_files Compile [Ada] test_config.adb [Ada] rosetta_read_cfg.adb [Ada] rosetta_updt_cfg.adb [Ada] rosetta_updt_cfg_reset.adb [Ada] config.adb config.adb:63:07: warning: visible declaration of "Line" at line 57 hides homonym from use clause [-gnatwh] config.adb:371:07: warning: visible declaration of "Line" at line 364 hides homonym from use clause [-gnatwh] config.adb:419:07: warning: visible declaration of "Line" at line 416 hides homonym from use clause [-gnatwh] config.adb:502:07: warning: visible declaration of "Line" at line 496 hides homonym from use clause [-gnatwh] Bind [gprbind] test_config.bexch [gprbind] rosetta_read_cfg.bexch [gprbind] rosetta_updt_cfg.bexch [gprbind] rosetta_updt_cfg_reset.bexch [Ada] test_config.ali [Ada] rosetta_read_cfg.ali [Ada] rosetta_updt_cfg.ali [Ada] rosetta_updt_cfg_reset.ali Link [link] test_config.adb [link] rosetta_read_cfg.adb [link] rosetta_updt_cfg.adb [link] rosetta_updt_cfg_reset.adb Build finished successfully in 1.07 seconds. ini_files=10.0.0 successfully retrieved and built. There are no dependencies. Found declared GPR file: ini_files.gpr