Test ran at 2025-03-21 01:30:48.915470+00:00

lace_gel_animation_demo=0.1.0: A demo of GEL's human animation.
Origin: source archive lace_gel_animation_demo-0.1.0.tgz at https://github.com/charlie5/lace-alire/releases/download/v0.1.0/lace_gel_animation_demo-0.1.0.tgz with hashes sha256:55b7e3bc98923a759ae9745f3e2b8f3fe67009795ff4f2e232bd1d35709b6de1, sha512:57a73b273bfada9e4a442b977741c5cedfff4117d91254496e9df54d16298877e25467f4c6b22458146438697ab4a51d10bd2fbf85b42a9e147043b6fe535851
   Author: Rod Kay
   Description: A demo of GEL's human animation.
   Executable: launch_human_rig_demo
   License: ISC
   Maintainer: Rod Kay <rodakay5@gmail.com>
   Maintainers_Logins: charlie5
   Name: lace_gel_animation_demo
   Project_File: human_rig_demo.gpr
   Version: 0.1.0
Dependencies (direct):
Dependencies (solution):
Dependencies (graph):
   lace=0.1.0                    --> lace_shared=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_box2d=0.1.0              --> lace_c_math=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_bullet=0.1.0             --> lace_c_math=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_bullet=0.1.0             --> libbullet=3.25.0 (*)
   lace_c_math=0.1.0             --> lace_math=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_c_math=0.1.0             --> lace_swig=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_collada=0.1.0            --> lace_math=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_collada=0.1.0            --> lace_xml=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_gel=0.1.0                --> lace_opengl=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_gel=0.1.0                --> lace_physics=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_gel=0.1.0                --> sdlada=2.5.4-1 (2.5.4-1)
   lace_gel_animation_demo=0.1.0 --> lace_gel=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_math=0.1.0               --> lace_shared=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_opengl=0.1.0             --> lace_collada=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_opengl=0.1.0             --> libfreetype=2.13.3 (^2)
   lace_physics=0.1.0            --> lace=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_physics=0.1.0            --> lace_box2d=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_physics=0.1.0            --> lace_bullet=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_xml=0.1.0                --> lace_shared=0.1.0 (~0.1)
   lace_xml=0.1.0                --> libexpat=2.6.4 (*)
   sdlada=2.5.4-1                --> libsdl2=2.32.52 (^2.0)
   sdlada=2.5.4-1                --> libsdl2_image=2.8.8 (^2.0)
   sdlada=2.5.4-1                --> libsdl2_ttf=2.24.0 (^2.0)
   sdlada=2.5.4-1                --> make=4.4.1 (*)

Spawning: alr -d -n get --build lace_gel_animation_demo=0.1.0
Note: Deploying lace_gel_animation_demo=0.1.0...

######################################################################## 100.0%
Note: Deploying lace_swig=0.1.0...

######################################################################## 100.0%
Note: Deploying libbullet=3.25.0...
The system package 'bullet' is about to be installed.
This action might require admin privileges and impact your system installation.
Do you want Alire to install this system package?
Using default: Yes
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (1)   New Version  Net Change  Download Size

extra/bullet  3.25-6       133.27 MiB      36.51 MiB

Total Download Size:    36.51 MiB
Total Installed Size:  133.27 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 bullet-3.25-6-x86_64 downloading...
checking keyring...
checking package integrity...
loading package files...
checking for file conflicts...
:: Processing package changes...
installing bullet...
Optional dependencies for bullet
    glu: for the example browser
    python: python bindings [installed]
    python-numpy: python bindings
    bullet-docs: documentation
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
Note: Deploying libfreetype=2.13.3...
The system package 'freetype2' is about to be installed.
This action might require admin privileges and impact your system installation.
Do you want Alire to install this system package?
Using default: Yes
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: harfbuzz will be installed before its freetype2 dependency

Package (4)      New Version  Net Change  Download Size

extra/graphite   1:1.3.14-4     0.20 MiB       0.08 MiB
extra/harfbuzz   10.4.0-1       4.15 MiB       1.07 MiB
extra/libpng     1.6.47-1       0.58 MiB       0.24 MiB
extra/freetype2  2.13.3-3       1.62 MiB       0.51 MiB

Total Download Size:   1.91 MiB
Total Installed Size:  6.55 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 harfbuzz-10.4.0-1-x86_64 downloading...
 freetype2-2.13.3-3-x86_64 downloading...
 libpng-1.6.47-1-x86_64 downloading...
 graphite-1:1.3.14-4-x86_64 downloading...
checking keyring...
checking package integrity...
loading package files...
checking for file conflicts...
:: Processing package changes...
installing libpng...
installing graphite...
Optional dependencies for graphite
    graphite-docs: Documentation
installing harfbuzz...
Optional dependencies for harfbuzz
    harfbuzz-utils: utilities
installing freetype2...
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
Note: Deploying libsdl2=2.32.52...
The system package 'sdl2' is about to be installed.
This action might require admin privileges and impact your system installation.
Do you want Alire to install this system package?
Using default: Yes
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: mesa will be installed before its libglvnd dependency

Package (25)           New Version              Net Change  Download Size

extra/default-cursors  3-1                        0.00 MiB       0.00 MiB
extra/hidapi           0.14.0-3                   0.13 MiB       0.04 MiB
extra/libdrm           2.4.124-1                  1.23 MiB       0.33 MiB
core/libedit           20250104_3.1-1             0.26 MiB       0.11 MiB
extra/libglvnd         1.7.0-1                    3.70 MiB       0.35 MiB
extra/libpciaccess     0.18.1-2                   0.06 MiB       0.02 MiB
extra/libx11           1.8.12-1                   9.78 MiB       2.00 MiB
extra/libxau           1.0.12-1                   0.02 MiB       0.01 MiB
extra/libxcb           1.17.0-1                   3.87 MiB       0.97 MiB
extra/libxcursor       1.2.3-1                    0.07 MiB       0.03 MiB
extra/libxdmcp         1.1.5-1                    0.13 MiB       0.03 MiB
extra/libxext          1.3.6-1                    0.30 MiB       0.10 MiB
extra/libxfixes        6.0.1-2                    0.04 MiB       0.01 MiB
extra/libxrender       0.9.12-1                   0.09 MiB       0.03 MiB
extra/libxshmfence     1.3.3-1                    0.02 MiB       0.01 MiB
extra/libxxf86vm       1.1.6-1                    0.03 MiB       0.02 MiB
extra/llvm-libs        19.1.7-1                 134.51 MiB      35.07 MiB
extra/lm_sensors       1:3.6.0.r41.g31d1f125-3    0.46 MiB       0.13 MiB
extra/mesa             1:25.0.1-2                99.32 MiB      19.50 MiB
extra/sdl3             3.2.8-1                    6.09 MiB       1.36 MiB
extra/spirv-tools      1:1.4.309.0-1              7.10 MiB       1.69 MiB
extra/wayland          1.23.1-1                   0.80 MiB       0.14 MiB
extra/xcb-proto        1.17.0-3                   1.02 MiB       0.13 MiB
extra/xorgproto        2024.1-2                   1.46 MiB       0.24 MiB
extra/sdl2-compat      2.32.52-1                  2.77 MiB       0.40 MiB

Total Download Size:    62.70 MiB
Total Installed Size:  273.26 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 llvm-libs-19.1.7-1-x86_64 downloading...
 mesa-1:25.0.1-2-x86_64 downloading...
 libx11-1.8.12-1-x86_64 downloading...
 spirv-tools-1:1.4.309.0-1-x86_64 downloading...
 sdl3-3.2.8-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libxcb-1.17.0-1-x86_64 downloading...
 sdl2-compat-2.32.52-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libglvnd-1.7.0-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libdrm-2.4.124-1-x86_64 downloading...
 xorgproto-2024.1-2-any downloading...
 wayland-1.23.1-1-x86_64 downloading...
 lm_sensors-1:3.6.0.r41.g31d1f125-3-x86_64 downloading...
 xcb-proto-1.17.0-3-any downloading...
 libedit-20250104_3.1-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libxext-1.3.6-1-x86_64 downloading...
 hidapi-0.14.0-3-x86_64 downloading...
 libxcursor-1.2.3-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libxrender-0.9.12-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libxdmcp-1.1.5-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libpciaccess-0.18.1-2-x86_64 downloading...
 libxxf86vm-1.1.6-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libxfixes-6.0.1-2-x86_64 downloading...
 libxau-1.0.12-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libxshmfence-1.3.3-1-x86_64 downloading...
 default-cursors-3-1-any downloading...
checking keyring...
checking package integrity...
loading package files...
checking for file conflicts...
:: Processing package changes...
installing xcb-proto...
installing xorgproto...
installing libxdmcp...
installing libxau...
installing libxcb...
installing libx11...
installing libxext...
installing libxrender...
installing libpciaccess...
installing libdrm...
Optional dependencies for libdrm
    cairo: needed for modetest tool
installing libxshmfence...
installing libxxf86vm...
installing libedit...
installing llvm-libs...
installing lm_sensors...
Optional dependencies for lm_sensors
    rrdtool: for logging with sensord
    perl: for sensor detection and configuration convert [installed]
installing spirv-tools...
installing default-cursors...
Optional dependencies for default-cursors
    adwaita-cursors: default cursor theme
installing wayland...
installing mesa...
Optional dependencies for mesa
    opengl-man-pages: for the OpenGL API man pages
installing libglvnd...
installing libxfixes...
installing libxcursor...
installing hidapi...
Optional dependencies for hidapi
    libusb: for hidapi-libusb [installed]
installing sdl3...
Optional dependencies for sdl3
    alsa-lib: ALSA audio driver [installed]
    libpulse: PulseAudio audio driver
    jack: JACK audio driver [installed]
    pipewire: PipeWire audio driver
    vulkan-driver: vulkan renderer
    sndio: sndio audio driver
    libdecor: Wayland client decorations
installing sdl2-compat...
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/2) Reloading system manager configuration...
  Skipped: Current root is not booted.
(2/2) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
Note: Deploying libsdl2_image=2.8.8...
The system package 'sdl2_image' is about to be installed.
This action might require admin privileges and impact your system installation.
Do you want Alire to install this system package?
Using default: Yes
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (16)         New Version        Net Change  Download Size

extra/aom            3.12.0-1             8.63 MiB       2.74 MiB
extra/dav1d          1.5.1-1              1.77 MiB       0.62 MiB
extra/giflib         5.2.2-1              0.27 MiB       0.07 MiB
extra/gperftools     2.16-1               2.33 MiB       0.58 MiB
extra/highway        1.2.0-1              8.17 MiB       1.07 MiB
extra/jbigkit        2.1-8                0.16 MiB       0.05 MiB
extra/libavif        1.2.1-1              0.76 MiB       0.26 MiB
extra/libjpeg-turbo  3.1.0-1              2.39 MiB       0.56 MiB
extra/libjxl         0.11.1-3             8.29 MiB       1.97 MiB
extra/libtiff        4.7.0-1              1.78 MiB       0.48 MiB
extra/libunwind      1.8.1-3              0.29 MiB       0.12 MiB
extra/libwebp        1.5.0-1              1.16 MiB       0.36 MiB
extra/libyuv         r2426+464c51a03-1    1.82 MiB       0.30 MiB
extra/rav1e          0.7.1-1              7.52 MiB       1.56 MiB
extra/svt-av1        3.0.1-1              5.69 MiB       1.99 MiB
extra/sdl2_image     2.8.8-1              0.20 MiB       0.07 MiB

Total Download Size:   12.82 MiB
Total Installed Size:  51.24 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 aom-3.12.0-1-x86_64 downloading...
 svt-av1-3.0.1-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libjxl-0.11.1-3-x86_64 downloading...
 rav1e-0.7.1-1-x86_64 downloading...
 highway-1.2.0-1-x86_64 downloading...
 dav1d-1.5.1-1-x86_64 downloading...
 gperftools-2.16-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libjpeg-turbo-3.1.0-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libtiff-4.7.0-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libwebp-1.5.0-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libyuv-r2426+464c51a03-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libavif-1.2.1-1-x86_64 downloading...
 libunwind-1.8.1-3-x86_64 downloading...
 giflib-5.2.2-1-x86_64 downloading...
 sdl2_image-2.8.8-1-x86_64 downloading...
 jbigkit-2.1-8-x86_64 downloading...
checking keyring...
checking package integrity...
loading package files...
checking for file conflicts...
:: Processing package changes...
installing jbigkit...
installing libjpeg-turbo...
Optional dependencies for libjpeg-turbo
    java-runtime>11: for TurboJPEG Java wrapper
installing libtiff...
Optional dependencies for libtiff
    freeglut: for using tiffgt
installing giflib...
installing libwebp...
installing aom...
installing dav1d...
Optional dependencies for dav1d
    dav1d-doc: HTML documentation
installing libyuv...
installing rav1e...
installing svt-av1...
installing libavif...
installing libunwind...
installing gperftools...
Optional dependencies for gperftools
    graphviz: pprof graph generation
    perl: pprof and pprof-symbolize commands [installed]
installing highway...
installing libjxl...
Optional dependencies for libjxl
    gdk-pixbuf2: for gdk-pixbuf loader
    java-runtime: for JNI bindings
installing sdl2_image...
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
Note: Deploying libsdl2_ttf=2.24.0...
The system package 'sdl2_ttf' is about to be installed.
This action might require admin privileges and impact your system installation.
Do you want Alire to install this system package?
Using default: Yes
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (1)     New Version  Net Change  Download Size

extra/sdl2_ttf  2.24.0-1       0.17 MiB       0.04 MiB

Total Download Size:   0.04 MiB
Total Installed Size:  0.17 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 sdl2_ttf-2.24.0-1-x86_64 downloading...
checking keyring...
checking package integrity...
loading package files...
checking for file conflicts...
:: Processing package changes...
installing sdl2_ttf...
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
Note: Deploying lace=0.1.0...

#######                                                                   11.0%
######################################################################## 100.0%
Note: Deploying lace_math=0.1.0...

##########                                                                14.7%
######################################################################## 100.0%
Note: Deploying lace_xml=0.1.0...

#############                                                             18.4%
######################################################################## 100.0%
Note: Deploying sdlada=2.5.4-1...
Note: Deploying lace_c_math=0.1.0...

######################################################################## 100.0%
Note: Deploying lace_collada=0.1.0...

###########################################                               60.1%
######################################################################## 100.0%
Note: Deploying lace_box2d=0.1.0...

######################################################################## 100.0%
Note: Deploying lace_bullet=0.1.0...

######################################################################## 100.0%
Note: Deploying lace_opengl=0.1.0...

######################################################################## 100.0%
Note: Deploying lace_physics=0.1.0...

####################                                                      27.9%
######################################################################## 100.0%
Note: Deploying lace_gel=0.1.0...

###                                                                        4.6%
############                                                              16.8%
########################################                                  56.2%
######################################################################## 100.0%
Note: Running post-fetch actions for sdlada=2.5.4-1...
make: Entering directory '/root/.local/share/alire/builds/sdlada_2.5.4_7981bbd6/f6d652da460f107c8a462d972623c5ea56d7437e3c97fb205477693e0bc1d818/build/gnat'
gprbuild -p -gnat2012 -XSDL_MODE=debug -XSDL_PLATFORM=linux \
   [mkdir]        object directory for project Tools
   [Ada]          gen_keyboard.adb
   [Ada]          scancodes.ads
   [Ada]          utils.adb
   [gprbind]      gen_keyboard.bexch
   [Ada]          gen_keyboard.ali
   [link]         gen_keyboard.adb
./gen/debug/tools/gen_keyboard > gen/src/sdl-events-keyboards.ads
gprbuild -p -gnat2012 -XSDL_MODE=debug -XSDL_PLATFORM=linux \
   [mkdir]        object directory for project SDLAda
   [C]            version_ttf.c
   [C]            version_images.c
   [C]            version.c
   [Ada]          sdl-ttfs-versions.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-ttfs-makers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-ttfs.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-images.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-images-io.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-images-versions.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-renderers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-events-events.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-hints.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs-keyboards.adb
   [Ada]          sdl.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs-joysticks-game_controllers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-versions.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-pixel_formats.adb
sdl-video-pixel_formats.ads:28:09: warning: unit "Ada.Unchecked_Conversion" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          sdl-cpus.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-textures-makers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-windows-makers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-log.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs-mice.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-events-files.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-video-textures.adb
sdl-video-textures.adb:25:09: warning: unit "Ada.Unchecked_Conversion" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          sdl-clipboard.adb
sdl-clipboard.adb:24:06: warning: unnecessary with of ancestor [-gnatwr]
   [Ada]          sdl-rwops-streams.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-windows.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-events-keyboards.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-events.ads
sdl-events.ads:31:09: warning: unit "Ada.Unchecked_Conversion" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          sdl-events-mice.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-video-windows-manager.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-rectangles.adb
sdl-video-rectangles.adb:23:09: warning: unit "Ada.Unchecked_Conversion" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          sdl-power.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs-joysticks-game_controllers-makers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-surfaces.adb
sdl-video-surfaces.ads:31:06: warning: unnecessary with of ancestor [-gnatwr]
sdl-video-surfaces.ads:212:57: warning: aggregate not fully initialized [-gnatwv]
   [Ada]          sdl-libraries.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs-joysticks-makers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-gl.adb
sdl-video-gl.adb:49:07: warning: literal "Attribute_Retained_Backing" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          sdl-video-surfaces-makers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-platform.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-c_pointers.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-video-renderers-makers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-displays.adb
sdl-video-displays.adb:24:06: warning: unnecessary with of ancestor [-gnatwr]
   [Ada]          sdl-error.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-events-windows.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-video-pixels.ads
sdl-video-pixels.ads:78:12: warning: type "Element_Array_2D" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs-joysticks.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-palettes.adb
sdl-video-palettes.ads:59:42: warning: 8 bits of "RGB_Colour" unused [enabled by default]
   [Ada]          sdl-events-touches.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-timers.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs-mice-cursors.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-events-controllers.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-rwops.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-events-joysticks.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-events-joysticks-game_controllers.adb
Build Libraries
   [gprlib]       sdlada.lexch
   [archive]      libsdlada.a
   [index]        libsdlada.a
gprbuild -p -gnat2012 -XSDL_MODE=debug -XSDL_PLATFORM=linux \
   [mkdir]        object directory for project Test_Maths_Build
   [C]            maths_sub.c
   [Ada]          maths.adb
Build Libraries
   [gprlib]       testmaths.lexch
   [link library] libtestmaths.so
gprbuild -p -gnat2012 -XSDL_MODE=debug -XSDL_PLATFORM=linux \
	-Ptests.gpr -cargs `sdl2-config --cflags` -largs `sdl2-config --libs` -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_image
   [Ada]          test.adb
   [Ada]          version.adb
   [Ada]          platform.adb
platform.adb:19:34: warning: condition is always False [-gnatwc]
   [Ada]          error.adb
   [Ada]          libraries.adb
   [Ada]          clipboard.adb
   [Ada]          stream.adb
   [Ada]          stream2.adb
stream2.adb:180:16: warning: variable "Start_Time" is assigned but never read [-gnatwm]
stream2.adb:181:16: warning: variable "End_Time" is assigned but never read [-gnatwm]
   [Ada]          surface.adb
surface.adb:1:09: warning: unit "Ada.Unchecked_Conversion" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          rwops.adb
   [Ada]          timers.adb
   [Ada]          create_window.adb
   [Ada]          mouse.adb
   [Ada]          load_surface.adb
load_surface.adb:1:09: warning: unit "Ada.Unchecked_Conversion" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
load_surface.adb:20:51: warning: equality should be parenthesized here [-gnatwq]
   [Ada]          ttf.adb
   [gprbind]      test.bexch
   [Ada]          test.ali
   [gprbind]      version.bexch
   [Ada]          version.ali
   [gprbind]      platform.bexch
   [Ada]          platform.ali
   [gprbind]      error.bexch
   [Ada]          error.ali
   [gprbind]      libraries.bexch
   [Ada]          libraries.ali
   [gprbind]      clipboard.bexch
   [Ada]          clipboard.ali
   [gprbind]      stream.bexch
   [Ada]          stream.ali
   [gprbind]      stream2.bexch
   [Ada]          stream2.ali
   [gprbind]      surface.bexch
   [Ada]          surface.ali
   [gprbind]      rwops.bexch
   [Ada]          rwops.ali
   [gprbind]      timers.bexch
   [Ada]          timers.ali
   [gprbind]      create_window.bexch
   [Ada]          create_window.ali
   [gprbind]      mouse.bexch
   [Ada]          mouse.ali
   [gprbind]      load_surface.bexch
   [Ada]          load_surface.ali
   [gprbind]      ttf.bexch
   [Ada]          ttf.ali
   [link]         test.adb
   [link]         version.adb
   [link]         platform.adb
   [link]         error.adb
   [link]         libraries.adb
   [link]         clipboard.adb
   [link]         stream.adb
   [link]         stream2.adb
   [link]         surface.adb
   [link]         rwops.adb
   [link]         timers.adb
   [link]         create_window.adb
   [link]         mouse.adb
   [link]         load_surface.adb
   [link]         ttf.adb
make: Leaving directory '/root/.local/share/alire/builds/sdlada_2.5.4_7981bbd6/f6d652da460f107c8a462d972623c5ea56d7437e3c97fb205477693e0bc1d818/build/gnat'
Note: Running pre-build actions for sdlada=2.5.4-1...
make: Entering directory '/root/.local/share/alire/builds/sdlada_2.5.4_7981bbd6/f6d652da460f107c8a462d972623c5ea56d7437e3c97fb205477693e0bc1d818/build/gnat'
gprbuild -p -gnat2012 -XSDL_MODE=debug -XSDL_PLATFORM=linux \
gprbuild -p -gnat2012 -XSDL_MODE=debug -XSDL_PLATFORM=linux \
gprbuild -p -gnat2012 -XSDL_MODE=debug -XSDL_PLATFORM=linux \
	-Ptests.gpr -cargs `sdl2-config --cflags` -largs `sdl2-config --libs` -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_image
gprbuild: "test" up to date
gprbuild: "version" up to date
gprbuild: "platform" up to date
gprbuild: "error" up to date
gprbuild: "libraries" up to date
gprbuild: "clipboard" up to date
gprbuild: "stream" up to date
gprbuild: "stream2" up to date
gprbuild: "surface" up to date
gprbuild: "rwops" up to date
gprbuild: "timers" up to date
gprbuild: "create_window" up to date
gprbuild: "mouse" up to date
gprbuild: "load_surface" up to date
gprbuild: "ttf" up to date
make: Leaving directory '/root/.local/share/alire/builds/sdlada_2.5.4_7981bbd6/f6d652da460f107c8a462d972623c5ea56d7437e3c97fb205477693e0bc1d818/build/gnat'
Note: Building lace_gel_animation_demo=0.1.0/human_rig_demo.gpr...
   [mkdir]        object directory for project Lace
   [mkdir]        object directory for project Gl
   [mkdir]        object directory for project GID
   [mkdir]        object directory for project Math
   [mkdir]        object directory for project Opengl_Core
   [mkdir]        object directory for project FreeType_C
   [mkdir]        object directory for project Xml
   [mkdir]        object directory for project Collada
   [mkdir]        object directory for project c_Math_Thin_C
   [mkdir]        object directory for project Bullet_Thin_C
   [mkdir]        object directory for project Swig
   [mkdir]        object directory for project Box2d_contrib
   [mkdir]        object directory for project Physics
   [mkdir]        object directory for project GEL
   [mkdir]        object directory for project human_rig_Demo
   [Ada]          launch_human_rig_demo.adb
   [C]            version_ttf.c
   [C]            version_images.c
   [C]            version.c
   [Ada]          sdl-ttfs-versions.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-ttfs-makers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-ttfs.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-images.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-images-io.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-images-versions.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-renderers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-events-events.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-hints.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs-keyboards.adb
   [Ada]          sdl.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs-joysticks-game_controllers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-versions.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-pixel_formats.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-cpus.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-textures-makers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-windows-makers.adb
sdl-video-pixel_formats.ads:28:09: warning: unit "Ada.Unchecked_Conversion" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          sdl-log.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs-mice.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-events-files.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-video-textures.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-clipboard.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-rwops-streams.adb
sdl-clipboard.adb:24:06: warning: unnecessary with of ancestor [-gnatwr]
   [Ada]          sdl-video-windows.adb
sdl-video-textures.adb:25:09: warning: unit "Ada.Unchecked_Conversion" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          sdl-events-keyboards.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-events.ads
sdl-events.ads:31:09: warning: unit "Ada.Unchecked_Conversion" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          sdl-events-mice.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-video-windows-manager.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-rectangles.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-power.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs-joysticks-game_controllers-makers.adb
sdl-video-rectangles.adb:23:09: warning: unit "Ada.Unchecked_Conversion" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          sdl-video-surfaces.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-libraries.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs-joysticks-makers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-gl.adb
sdl-video-surfaces.ads:31:06: warning: unnecessary with of ancestor [-gnatwr]
sdl-video-surfaces.ads:212:57: warning: aggregate not fully initialized [-gnatwv]
   [Ada]          sdl-video-surfaces-makers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-platform.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-c_pointers.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-video-renderers-makers.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-displays.adb
sdl-video-gl.adb:49:07: warning: literal "Attribute_Retained_Backing" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          sdl-error.adb
launch_human_rig_demo.adb:100:52: warning: static fixed-point value is not a multiple of Small [-gnatwb]
   [Ada]          sdl-events-windows.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-video-pixels.ads
sdl-video-displays.adb:24:06: warning: unnecessary with of ancestor [-gnatwr]
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs-joysticks.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-video-palettes.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-events-touches.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-timers.ads
sdl-video-pixels.ads:78:12: warning: type "Element_Array_2D" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          sdl-inputs-mice-cursors.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-events-controllers.ads
   [Ada]          sdl-rwops.adb
sdl-video-palettes.ads:59:42: warning: 8 bits of "RGB_Colour" unused [enabled by default]
   [Ada]          sdl-events-joysticks.adb
   [Ada]          sdl-events-joysticks-game_controllers.adb
   [C++]          b2_joint.cpp
   [C++]          b2_world.cpp
   [C++]          b2_polygon_contact.cpp
   [C++]          b2_distance_joint.cpp
   [C++]          b2_edge_circle_contact.cpp
   [C++]          b2_edge_polygon_contact.cpp
   [C++]          b2_contact_solver.cpp
   [C++]          b2_pulley_joint.cpp
   [C++]          b2_mouse_joint.cpp
   [C++]          b2_world_callbacks.cpp
   [C++]          b2_fixture.cpp
   [C++]          b2_friction_joint.cpp
   [C++]          b2_chain_circle_contact.cpp
   [C++]          b2_chain_polygon_contact.cpp
   [C++]          b2_prismatic_joint.cpp
   [C++]          b2_body.cpp
   [C++]          b2_gear_joint.cpp
   [C++]          b2_weld_joint.cpp
   [C++]          b2_wheel_joint.cpp
   [C++]          b2_circle_contact.cpp
   [C++]          b2_contact.cpp
   [C++]          b2_motor_joint.cpp
   [C++]          b2_contact_manager.cpp
   [C++]          b2_island.cpp
   [C++]          b2_revolute_joint.cpp
   [C++]          b2_polygon_circle_contact.cpp
   [C++]          b2_rope.cpp
   [C++]          b2_stack_allocator.cpp
   [C++]          b2_math.cpp
   [C++]          b2_timer.cpp
   [C++]          b2_block_allocator.cpp
   [C++]          b2_settings.cpp
   [C++]          b2_draw.cpp
   [C++]          b2_distance.cpp
   [C++]          b2_broad_phase.cpp
   [C++]          b2_edge_shape.cpp
   [C++]          b2_collide_polygon.cpp
   [C++]          b2_dynamic_tree.cpp
   [C++]          b2_polygon_shape.cpp
   [C++]          b2_collide_circle.cpp
   [C++]          b2_time_of_impact.cpp
   [C++]          b2_chain_shape.cpp
   [C++]          b2_collide_edge.cpp
   [C++]          b2_collision.cpp
   [C++]          b2_circle_shape.cpp
   [c++]          box2d-joint.cpp
   [c++]          box2d-shape.cpp
   [c++]          box2d-space.cpp
   [c++]          box2d-object.cpp
   [c++]          box2d-conversions.cpp
   [C++]          box2d_c_wrap.cxx
   [c++]          c_math_c_wrap.cxx
   [c++]          c_math.cpp
   [c++]          bullet-object.cpp
   [c++]          bullet-joint.cpp
   [c++]          bullet-space.cpp
   [c++]          bullet-conversions.cpp
   [c++]          bullet-shape.cpp
   [c++]          bullet_c_wrap.cxx
   [C]            freetype_wrap.c
   [Ada]          gel.adb
   [Ada]          gel-applet.adb
   [Ada]          gel-applet-gui_world.adb
   [Ada]          gel-camera.adb
   [Ada]          gel-forge.adb
   [Ada]          gel-rig.adb
   [Ada]          gel-window.adb
   [Ada]          gel-window-setup.ads
   [Ada]          opengl.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-light.adb
opengl.adb:3:09: warning: unit "ada.unchecked_Conversion" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          opengl-model.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-model-any.adb
gel-applet.adb:15:09: warning: unit "ada.unchecked_Conversion" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
gel-applet.adb:796:75: warning: use of an anonymous access type allocator [-gnatw_a]
gel-applet.adb:838:75: warning: use of an anonymous access type allocator [-gnatw_a]
gel-applet.adb:880:75: warning: use of an anonymous access type allocator [-gnatw_a]
   [Ada]          float_math.ads
   [Ada]          float_math-algebra.ads
   [Ada]          float_math-algebra-linear.ads
   [Ada]          float_math-algebra-linear-d2.ads
   [Ada]          float_math-algebra-linear-d3.ads
   [Ada]          float_math-geometry.ads
   [Ada]          float_math-geometry-d2.ads
   [Ada]          float_math-geometry-d3.ads
   [Ada]          physics.ads
   [Ada]          gel-sprite.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-visual.adb
   [Ada]          gel-world.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-camera.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-surface.adb
opengl-surface.adb:6:18: warning: unit "interfaces.c.Strings" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
opengl-surface.adb:55:04: (style) "end swap_Buffers" required [-gnatye]
   [Ada]          gel-camera-forge.adb
gel-sprite.adb:742:43: warning: condition can only be True if invalid values present [-gnatwc]
gel-sprite.adb:742:43: warning: condition is always False [-gnatwc]
gel-sprite.adb:1100:07: warning: types for unchecked conversion have different sizes [-gnatwz]
   [Ada]          gel-events.ads
   [Ada]          gel-world-simple.adb
   [Ada]          lace.ads
   [Ada]          lace-event.adb
lace-event.ads:38:48: warning: "others" choice is redundant [-gnatwr]
lace-event.ads:38:48: warning: previous choices cover all components [-gnatwr]
   [Ada]          lace-event-utility.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-model-arrow.ads
   [Ada]          opengl-model-arrow-colored.adb
gel-world.adb:28:14: warning: procedure "log" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
gel-world.adb:45:14: warning: procedure "define" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
gel-world.adb:157:14: warning: procedure "define" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
gel-world.adb:200:13: warning: function "to_Integer" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
gel-world.adb:292:13: warning: "start" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
gel-world.adb:296:13: warning: "stop" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
gel-world.adb:297:13: warning: "respond" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
gel-world.adb:303:14: warning: procedure "free" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
gel-world.adb:319:51: warning: use of an anonymous access type allocator [-gnatw_a]
gel-world.adb:324:12: warning: package "filtered_impact_Response_Sets" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
gel-world.adb:390:27: warning: formal parameter "Self" is not referenced [-gnatwf]
gel-world.adb:411:27: warning: formal parameter "Self" is not referenced [-gnatwf]
gel-world.adb:856:36: warning: formal parameter "Self" is not referenced [-gnatwf]
gel-world.adb:1022:07: warning: types for unchecked conversion have different sizes [-gnatwz]
gel-world.adb:1023:07: warning: types for unchecked conversion have different sizes [-gnatwz]
gel-world.adb:1112:39: warning: aggregate not fully initialized [-gnatwv]
gel-world.ads:317:52: warning: static fixed-point value is not a multiple of Small [-gnatwb]
gel-world.ads:342:04: warning: types for unchecked conversion have different sizes [-gnatwz]
   [Ada]          opengl-model-billboard.adb
gel-world-simple.ads:2:06: warning: unnecessary with of ancestor [-gnatwr]
gel-world-simple.ads:3:09: warning: unit "ada.unchecked_Conversion" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          opengl-model-billboard-colored_textured.adb
opengl-model-arrow-colored.adb:102:07: warning: use clause for package "linear_Algebra_3d" has no effect [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          opengl-model-billboard-textured.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-model-box.adb
opengl-model-billboard-colored_textured.ads:57:70: warning: use of an anonymous access type allocator [-gnatw_a]
   [Ada]          opengl-model-box-colored.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-model-box-textured.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-model-line.ads
   [Ada]          opengl-model-line-colored.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-model-polygon.ads
gel-rig.adb:614:19: warning: variable "the_Inputs" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
gel-rig.adb:621:22: warning: variable "default_scene_Joint" is never read and never assigned [-gnatwu]
   [Ada]          opengl-model-polygon-lit_colored.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-model-segment_line.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-model-sphere.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-model-sphere-colored.adb
opengl-model-polygon-lit_colored.ads:2:06: warning: unnecessary with of ancestor [-gnatwr]
   [Ada]          opengl-model-sphere-lit_colored.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-model-sphere-lit_colored_textured.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-model-sphere-textured.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-model-text.ads
   [Ada]          opengl-model-text-lit_colored.adb
   [Ada]          physics-model.adb
   [Ada]          gel-applet-client_world.adb
   [Ada]          gel-applet-gui_and_sim_world.adb
   [Ada]          gel-applet-server_world.adb
opengl-model-text-lit_colored.adb:4:06: warning: unnecessary with of ancestor [-gnatwr]
opengl-model-text-lit_colored.adb:33:27: warning: use of an anonymous access type allocator [-gnatw_a]
opengl-model-text-lit_colored.adb:52:29: warning: use of an anonymous access type allocator [-gnatw_a]
   [Ada]          opengl-font.adb
opengl-font.adb:235:07: warning: types for unchecked conversion have different sizes [-gnatwz]
   [Ada]          opengl-palette.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-primitive.adb
   [Ada]          gel-keyboard.adb
   [Ada]          gel-keyboard-local.adb
   [Ada]          gel-mouse.adb
   [Ada]          gel-mouse-local.adb
   [Ada]          lace-subject_and_deferred_observer.adb
   [Ada]          gel-window-sdl.adb
   [Ada]          gl.ads
   [Ada]          gel-dolly.adb
   [Ada]          gel-dolly-following.adb
   [Ada]          gel-dolly-simple.adb
   [Ada]          gel-joint.adb
   [Ada]          lace-any.ads
   [Ada]          opengl-renderer.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-renderer-lean.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-renderer-lean-forge.adb
   [Ada]          gel-remote.ads
   [Ada]          gel-remote-world.adb
   [Ada]          lace-observer.adb
   [Ada]          lace-response.adb
   [Ada]          lace-subject.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-geometry.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-remote_model.ads
   [Ada]          opengl-texture.adb
opengl-renderer-lean.ads:140:04: warning: types for unchecked conversion have different sizes [-gnatwz]
   [Ada]          any_math.adb
   [Ada]          any_math-any_algebra.ads
opengl-geometry.adb:6:09: warning: unit "ada.unchecked_Conversion" is not referenced [-gnatwu]
opengl-geometry.adb:443:07: warning: in instantiation at line 371 [-gnatw_a]
opengl-geometry.adb:443:07: warning: use of an anonymous access type allocator [-gnatw_a]
opengl-geometry.adb:457:07: warning: in instantiation at line 371 [-gnatw_a]
opengl-geometry.adb:457:07: warning: use of an anonymous access type allocator [-gnatw_a]
   [Ada]          any_math-any_algebra-any_linear.adb
   [Ada]          any_math-any_algebra-any_linear-any_d2.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-geometry-lit_colored_textured_skinned.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-geometry-lit_textured.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-io.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-io-collada.adb
   [Ada]          opengl-io-lat_long_radius.adb
gl-safe.ads:45:69: error: expected private type "System.Address"
gl-safe.ads:45:69: error: found type universal integer
opengl-io-lat_long_radius.adb:21:22: warning: condition is always False [-gnatwc]
gel-remote-world.adb:180:26: warning: use of an anonymous access type allocator [-gnatw_a]
gel-remote-world.adb:197:26: warning: use of an anonymous access type allocator [-gnatw_a]

   compilation of opengl-io.adb failed

gprbuild: *** compilation phase failed
stderr: Command ["gprbuild", "-s", "-j0", "-p", "-P", "/home/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/test/1d824409-b7d6-4537-b5b6-4c8b2df1b26b/lace_gel_animation_demo_0.1.0_55b7e3bc/human_rig_demo.gpr"] exited with code 4
ERROR: Command ["gprbuild", "-s", "-j0", "-p", "-P", "/home/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/test/1d824409-b7d6-4537-b5b6-4c8b2df1b26b/lace_gel_animation_demo_0.1.0_55b7e3bc/human_rig_demo.gpr"] exited with code 4
stderr: Command ["gprbuild", "-s", "-j0", "-p", "-P", "/home/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/test/1d824409-b7d6-4537-b5b6-4c8b2df1b26b/lace_gel_animation_demo_0.1.0_55b7e3bc/human_rig_demo.gpr"] exited with code 4
stderr: raised ALIRE.CHECKED_ERROR : alire-stored-error:1
0xe16f5e Alire.Raise_Checked_Error at alire.adb:284
0xa845be Alire.Os_Lib.Subprocess.Checked_Spawn at alire-os_lib-subprocess.adb:111
0xcef7be Alire.Spawn.Command at alire-spawn.adb:21
0xcefdde Alire.Spawn.Gprbuild at alire-spawn.adb:41
0xc31d1f Alire.Roots.Build at alire-roots.adb:186
0xc304da Alire.Roots.Build at alire-roots.adb:252
0xc53d6f Alire.Roots.Traverse at alire-roots.adb:2075
0xcba1fd Alire.Solutions.Traverse.Visit at alire-solutions.adb:1480
0xcb9344 Alire.Solutions.Traverse at alire-solutions.adb:1563
0xc53e62 Alire.Roots.Traverse at alire-roots.adb:2079
0xc53f21 Alire.Roots.Traverse at alire-roots.adb:2059
0xc30a46 Alire.Roots.Build at alire-roots.adb:283
0xc30b2b Alire.Roots.Build at alire-roots.adb:111
0x4a5e38 Alr.Commands.Get.Retrieve at alr-commands-get.adb:205
0x4a94f3 Alr.Commands.Get.Execute at alr-commands-get.adb:378
0x4a96a1 Alr.Commands.Get.Execute at alr-commands-get.adb:256
0x533c96 Alr.Commands.Sub_Cmd.Execute at clic-subcommand-instance.adb:749
0x53eff7 Alr.Commands.Execute at alr-commands.adb:561
0x43953a Alr.Main at alr-main.adb:13
0x43c1d3 Main at b__alr-main.adb:2299
0x4393dc _start at ???

Warning: lace_gel_animation_demo=0.1.0 successfully retrieved but its build failed.
Dependencies were solved as follows:

   +  lace          0.1.0   (new,indirect)
   +  lace_box2d    0.1.0   (new,indirect)
   +  lace_bullet   0.1.0   (new,indirect)
   +  lace_c_math   0.1.0   (new,indirect)
   +  lace_collada  0.1.0   (new,indirect)
   +  lace_gel      0.1.0   (new)
   +  lace_math     0.1.0   (new,indirect)
   +  lace_opengl   0.1.0   (new,indirect)
   +  lace_physics  0.1.0   (new,indirect)
   +  lace_shared   0.1.0   (new,indirect)
   +  lace_swig     0.1.0   (new,indirect)
   +  lace_xml      0.1.0   (new,indirect)
   +b libbullet     3.25.0  (new,indirect,system package)
   +b libexpat      2.6.4   (new,indirect,system package)
   +b libfreetype   2.13.3  (new,indirect,system package)
   +b libsdl2       2.32.52 (new,indirect,system package)
   +b libsdl2_image 2.8.8   (new,indirect,system package)
   +b libsdl2_ttf   2.24.0  (new,indirect,system package)
   +b make          4.4.1   (new,indirect,system package)
   +  sdlada        2.5.4-1 (new,indirect)
ERROR: Build ended with errors