Test ran at 2024-06-12 13:02:27.196558+00:00 SOLUTION: mcp2221=1.21527.1: MCP2221 USB Raw HID I/O Expander Library for GNAT Ada Origin: source archive mcp2221-1.21527.1.tbz2 at http://repo.munts.com/alire/mcp2221-1.21527.1.tbz2 with hashes sha256:db7adc76c9b0dc434bdc7d8386a7ac31144851a2368f1d0520e9217ec5c0c4fe, sha512:ed92f17f04394a407cf67468026c566bde665a0c3fefc643b69b210e619a553f02d792cea4d4450496d2d11207341521db47cf64d5357fce10acb23f3e21e1cb Available when: (case OS is Linux => True, Macos => True, Windows => True, others => False) Properties: case OS is when Linux => Post_Fetch run: ${CRATE_DIR}/./sh -c ./src/scripts/postfetch.linux when Macos => Post_Fetch run: ${CRATE_DIR}/./sh -c ./src/scripts/postfetch.macos when Windows => Post_Fetch run: ${CRATE_DIR}/./sh -c ./src/scripts/postfetch.windows Author: Philip Munts Description: MCP2221 USB Raw HID I/O Expander Library for GNAT Ada License: BSD-1-Clause Maintainer: Philip Munts Maintainers_Logins: pmunts Name: mcp2221 Project_File: mcp2221.gpr Tag: embedded Tag: linux Tag: mcp2221 Tag: adc Tag: dac Tag: gpio Tag: i2c Tag: motor Tag: pwm Tag: sensor Tag: serial Tag: servo Tag: spi Tag: stepper Version: 1.21527.1 Website: https://github.com/pmunts/libsimpleio Dependencies (direct): case OS is when Linux => libhidapi* case OS is when Linux => libusb* Dependencies (solution): libhidapi=0.14.0 libusb=1.0.27 Dependencies (graph): mcp2221=1.21527.1 --> libhidapi=0.14.0 (*) mcp2221=1.21527.1 --> libusb=1.0.27 (*) LOG: Note: Deploying mcp2221=1.21527.1... #=#=# #### 6.3% ########################## 36.8% ####################################################################### 99.9% ######################################################################## 100.0% Note: Deploying libhidapi=0.14.0... Note: Deploying libusb=1.0.27... Note: Running post_fetch actions for mcp2221=1.21527.1... Note: Building mcp2221/mcp2221.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project MCP2221 [mkdir] library directory for project MCP2221 Compile [Ada] hid-libusb.adb [Ada] thermistor.adb [Ada] servo-pwm.ads [Ada] motor-pwm.adb [Ada] debug.adb [Ada] motor-servo.adb [Ada] hid-hidapi.adb [Ada] gpio-pwm.adb [Ada] hid.adb [Ada] voltage.ads [Ada] dac.adb [Ada] i2c.adb [Ada] pressure.ads [Ada] temperature.ads [Ada] resistance.ads [Ada] messaging-fixed.ads [Ada] angle.ads [Ada] motor.ads [Ada] analog.ads [Ada] servo.ads [Ada] servo-pwm_template.adb [Ada] accelerometer.ads [Ada] io_interfaces.ads [Ada] messaging.adb [Ada] humidity.ads [Ada] gpio.ads [Ada] messaging-text.ads [Ada] truecolor.ads [Ada] joystick.ads [Ada] message64.ads [Ada] spi.ads [Ada] adc.adb [Ada] watchdog.ads [Ada] magnetometer.ads [Ada] stepper.ads [Ada] pwm.ads [Ada] gyroscope.ads [Ada] grove_tb6612-motor.adb [Ada] tlc1543.adb [Ada] mcp2221-i2c.adb [Ada] lsm9ds1.adb [Ada] adc121c021.adb [Ada] bmp280.adb [Ada] cytron_md13s.adb [Ada] lps25h.adb lsm9ds1.adb:154:12: warning: function "ReadRegister" is not referenced [-gnatwu] lsm9ds1.adb:250:16: warning: formal parameter "Self" is not referenced [-gnatwf] [Ada] mcp23x17.adb [Ada] grove_adc.ads [Ada] mcp23x17-gpio.adb [Ada] ads1015.adb [Ada] mcp2221-gpio.adb [Ada] htu21d.adb [Ada] grove_temperature_humidity.ads [Ada] hid-munts.ads [Ada] hts221.adb [Ada] mcp2221-adc.adb [Ada] mcp2221.adb [Ada] grove_tb6612.adb [Ada] mcp2221-hidapi.adb [Ada] grove_temperature.adb [Ada] mcp23x17-word.adb [Ada] tcs3472.adb [Ada] hdc1080.adb [Ada] grove_tb6612-stepper.adb [Ada] pca9685.adb [Ada] a4988.adb [Ada] tmp102.adb [Ada] pca9685-gpio.adb [Ada] pca8574.adb [Ada] pca9685-pwm.adb [Ada] pca8574-gpio.adb [Ada] pca9534.adb [Ada] mpl3115a2.adb [Ada] th02.adb [Ada] mcp2221-libusb.adb [Ada] mcp23x17-byte.adb [Ada] pca9534-gpio.adb [Ada] errno.ads [Ada] mcp2221_config.ads Build Libraries [gprlib] libsimpleio.lexch [archive] liblibsimpleio.a [index] liblibsimpleio.a Build finished successfully in 4.09 seconds. mcp2221=1.21527.1 successfully retrieved and built. Dependencies were solved as follows: + libhidapi 0.14.0 (new) + libusb 1.0.27 (new) Found declared GPR file: mcp2221.gpr