Test ran at 2024-07-09 12:58:39.959724+00:00 SOLUTION: mos6502_create_led=1.5.0: Create ROM with little program Origin: source archive mos6502_create_led-1.5.0.tgz at https://sourceforge.net/projects/tutorial-6502/files/Alire/mos6502_create_led-1.5.0.tgz with hashes sha256:3f6a03516e568aa65451944eaebef13e7987b321868bd6e98fcaf66db4b8da55, sha512:62a510bb2f547f92ae0780c62d6643cf1cdf127c6439dc40b5e67957b7a57055e8594ccac9530d63e170d56876d8a6b65aa25848fa1565af7134009345fd8c47 Properties: Test run: ${CRATE_DIR}/test/alr run Author: Martin Krischik Description: Create ROM with little program Executable: create_led License: GPL-3.0-or-later Long_Description: This is a tool to create a rom image with little program. This program can be used to create a ROM immage for the MOS 6502 tutorial from Ben Eater. Development versions available with: ```sh alr index --add "git+https://github.com/krischik/alire-index.git#develop" --name krischik ``` Source code and testsuite available on [SourceForge](https://git.code.sf.net/p/tutorial-6502/git) Maintainer: Martin Krischik Maintainers_Logins: krischik Name: mos6502_create_led Tag: mos-6502 Tag: tools Tag: retrocomputing Tag: ada2022 Version: 1.5.0 Website: https://sourceforge.net/projects/tutorial-6502 Dependencies (direct): gnat>=12 & <2000 Dependencies (solution): gnat=13.2.0 (gnat_external) (installed) Dependencies (graph): mos6502_create_led=1.5.0 --> gnat=13.2.0 (gnat_external) (>=12 & <2000) LOG: Note: Deploying mos6502_create_led=1.5.0... #=#=# ##=#=# ##-=#=-# # #-=#=-# # #-=#=- # ######################################################################## 100.0% # #=O=# # ############################################################# 85.8% ######################################################################## 100.0% mos6502_create_led=1.5.0 successfully retrieved. Dependencies were solved as follows: +i gnat 13.2.0 (new,installed,gnat_external) Welcome to the toolchain selection assistant In this assistant you can set up the default toolchain to be used with any crate that does not specify its own top-level dependency on a version of gnat or gprbuild. If you choose "None", Alire will use whatever version is found in the environment. Note: gnat is currently not configured. (alr will use the version found in the environment.) Please select the gnat version for use with this configuration 1. gnat_native=13.2.1 2. None 3. gnat_external=13.2.0 [Detected at /usr/bin/gnat] 4. gnat_arm_elf=13.2.1 5. gnat_avr_elf=13.2.1 6. gnat_riscv64_elf=13.2.1 7. gnat_arm_elf=13.1.0 8. gnat_avr_elf=13.1.0 9. gnat_native=13.1.0 0. gnat_riscv64_elf=13.1.0 a. (See more choices...) Enter your choice index (first is default): > ERROR: Canceled.