Test ran at 2025-02-11 12:26:26.517901+00:00 SOLUTION: muntsos_aarch64=9.3.1: MuntsOS Embedded Linux support for AArch64 targets Origin: source archive muntsos_aarch64-9.3.1.tbz2 at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pmunts/alire-crates/75da2e559247e12db407cb2a31f59f2aeac75214/muntsos_aarch64/muntsos_aarch64-9.3.1.tbz2 with hashes sha256:d2798151374972411a2771536ed96948fdf129f7f667834ecfeac65e9ec3f678, sha512:093ab444880ce6d8faafc54d98a4bea5a82c7fa42bb017175b62dda0d8e19f52384e1730bff9711f7d779f4a9bc87b1d2cf39c8592065245d07dadf477410161 Available when: (case OS is Linux => True, others => False) Properties: Post_Fetch run: sh -c ./postfetch (from ${CRATE_ROOT}/.) Author: Philip Munts Configuration: no modifiers Description: MuntsOS Embedded Linux support for AArch64 targets Long_Description: Introduction ============ This crate modifies an Alire program project to build a cross-compiled program for a **[MuntsOS Embedded Linux](https://github.com/pmunts/muntsos)** AArch64 / ARMv8 / arm64 target computer. The **MuntsOS Embedded Linux** cross toolchain packages must be installed on your Linux development computer before you can use this crate. See [Application Note #1](http://git.munts.com/muntsos/doc/AppNote1-Setup-Debian.pdf) for Debian distributions or [Application Note #2](http://git.munts.com/muntsos/doc/AppNote2-Setup-RPM.pdf) for RPM distributions. Each **MuntsOS Embedded Linux** cross toolchain contains prebuilt **[Ada Web Server](https://github.com/AdaCore/aws)** and **[Linux Simple I/O Library](https://github.com/pmunts/libsimpleio)** components. Therefore, **DO NOT** attempt to **`alr with`** any of the **aws**, **libsimpleio**, **mcp2221**, or **remoteio** crates in a project using this crate. Environment Variables ===================== If **`ALIRE_DISABLESTYLECHECKS`** is set to **`yes`**, the postfetch script will disable style checking in the project **`.gpr`** file. If **`ALIRE_INSTALLMAKEFILE`** is set to **`yes`**, the postfetch script will install an optional but useful **`Makefile`** to the project directory. You can add the following to **`~/.bashrc`** or its equivalent to permanently define these environment variables: export ALIRE_DISABLESTYLECHECKS=yes export ALIRE_INSTALLMAKEFILE=yes Example ======= The following commands illustrate how to create an Alire program project that will cross-compile a program to run on a **MuntsOS Embedded Linux** target computer. The result is a pristine (*i.e.* all temporary, working and deliverable files removed) project, suitable for checking into a source code control repository. alr -n init --bin myexample cd myexample alr -n with muntsos_aarch64 ALIRE_DISABLESTYLECHECKS=yes ALIRE_INSTALLMAKEFILE=yes alr action -r post-fetch make reallyclean See also [Application Note #7](http://git.munts.com/muntsos/doc/AppNote7-Flash-LED-Ada-Alire.pdf). Maintainer: Philip Munts Maintainers_Logins: pmunts Name: muntsos_aarch64 Project_File: aws.gpr Project_File: libsimpleio.gpr Tag: muntsos Tag: embedded Tag: linux Tag: arm64 Tag: aarch64 Version: 9.3.1 Website: https://github.com/pmunts/muntsos Dependencies (direct): muntsos_dev_aarch64* Dependencies (missing): muntsos_dev_aarch64* (direct,hinted) Hint: Available at http://repo.munts.com/debian11 or http://repo.munts.com/muntsos/rpms Dependencies (graph): muntsos_aarch64=9.3.1 --> muntsos_dev_aarch64* Dependencies cannot be met LOG: