Test ran at 2025-03-23 13:05:45.912275+00:00 SOLUTION: octet_memory_stream=1.1.0: Provides a Root_Stream_Type wrapper over an array of octets in memory. Origin: commit 54ecee472e8f78ab6d09df59f48bcca548364ee3 from https://github.com/Bread-Experts-Group/octet_memory_stream.git Properties: Author: Miko Elbrecht Description: Provides a Root_Stream_Type wrapper over an array of octets in memory. License: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception Long_Description: `octet_memory_stream` provides a standalone `Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type` wrapper around an `Octet_Array` (array of 8-bit bytes,) primarily for the purpose of protecting an over-arching stream from misalignment while reading from, or writing to, e.g., a file format. If the `Memory_Stream` detects an out-of-bounds error as the result of a read or write operation, an `Out_Of_Bounds_Error` exception will be raised. Example Use ----------- All pertinent types and subprograms are available within the package `Octet_Memory_Stream`. Wrapping an `Octet_Array` is done through the `To_Stream` function. ```ada pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; with Octet_Memory_Stream; procedure TestDemo is F : File_Type; Protected_Stream : Stream_Access; Memory_Stream : Octet_Memory_Stream.Stream_Access; begin Open (F, In_File, "example"); Protected_Stream := Stream (F); declare Data : Octet_Memory_Stream.Octet_Array (1 .. 50); begin Octet_Memory_Stream.Octet_Array'Read (Protected_Stream, Data); Memory_Stream := Octet_Memory_Stream.To_Stream (Data); end; declare OK_Data : Octet_Memory_Stream.Octet_Array (1 .. 25); OOB_Data : Octet_Memory_Stream.Octet_Array (1 .. 26); begin Octet_Memory_Stream.Octet_Array'Read (Memory_Stream, OK_Data); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (OK_Data'Image); Octet_Memory_Stream.Octet_Array'Read (Memory_Stream, OOB_Data); -- exception raised above Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (OOB_Data'Image); end; Close (F); end TestDemo; ``` Maintainer: Miko Elbrecht Maintainers_Logins: ATPStorages Name: octet_memory_stream Tag: octet Tag: byte Tag: buffer Tag: stream Tag: ada Tag: streams Tag: memory Version: 1.1.0 Website: https://github.com/Bread-Experts-Group/octet_memory_stream LOG: Spawning: alr -d -n get --build octet_memory_stream=1.1.0 Note: Deploying octet_memory_stream=1.1.0... Note: Building octet_memory_stream=1.1.0/octet_memory_stream.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project Octet_Memory_Stream [mkdir] library directory for project Octet_Memory_Stream Compile [Ada] octet_memory_stream_config.ads completed 1 out of 2 (50%)... [Ada] octet_memory_stream.adb completed 2 out of 2 (100%)... completed 2 out of 2 (100%)... Build Libraries [gprlib] Octet_Memory_Stream.lexch [archive] libOctet_Memory_Stream.a [index] libOctet_Memory_Stream.a octet_memory_stream=1.1.0 successfully retrieved and built. There are no dependencies. Found declared GPR file: octet_memory_stream.gpr