Test ran at 2025-02-21 00:49:17.924505+00:00 SOLUTION: openapi=0.8.0: OpenAPI library to build REST client applications Origin: commit 0ea881bcced127bb0d5ec23a086ceb368e578571 from https://gitlab.com/stcarrez/openapi-ada.git Properties: Author: Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com Configuration: no modifiers Description: OpenAPI library to build REST client applications Environment: PATH=${CRATE_ROOT}/scripts:${PATH} GPR Scenario: OPENAPI_BUILD := distrib | debug | optimize | profile | coverage GPR Scenario: OPENAPI_LIBRARY_TYPE := relocatable | static | static-pic License: Apache-2.0 Long_Description: [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://porion.vacs.fr/porion/api/v1/projects/openapi-ada/badges/build.json)](https://porion.vacs.fr/porion/projects/view/openapi-ada/summary) [![Test Status](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://porion.vacs.fr/porion/api/v1/projects/openapi-ada/badges/tests.json)](https://porion.vacs.fr/porion/projects/view/openapi-ada/xunits) [![Coverage](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://porion.vacs.fr/porion/api/v1/projects/openapi-ada/badges/coverage.json)](https://porion.vacs.fr/porion/projects/view/openapi-ada/summary) [OpenAPI Generator](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator) is a code generator that supports generation of API client libraries, server stubs and documentation automatically given an [OpenAPI Spec](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification). The Ada client support has been integrated in [OpenAPI Generator](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator). The OpenAPI Ada library is a small support library for the Ada code generator provided by OpenAPI Generator. The library provides support to serialize the data, make HTTP requests and support the [OpenAPI Spec](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification) specific operations or types. ## Alire setup ``` alr with openapi ``` For the HTTP connection, you can either use AWS or CURL and run one of the following commands: ``` alr with utilada_curl alr with utilada_aws ``` ## Generation Example of client generation with OpenAPI file `my-api.yaml` and use of CURL support: ``` alr exec -- openapi-generate-client -i my-api.yaml --additional-properties projectName=MyProject --additional-properties openApiName=OpenAPI --additional-properties httpSupport=Curl --model-package MyProject.MyModule -o . ``` Maintainer: Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com Maintainers_Logins: stcarrez Name: openapi Project_File: openapi.gpr Tag: rest Tag: web Tag: api Tag: openapi Version: 0.8.0 Website: https://gitlab.com/stcarrez/openapi-ada Dependencies (direct): security^1.5.0 utilada^2.6.0 utilada_xml^2.6.0 Dependencies (solution): security=1.5.1 utilada=2.8.0 utilada_xml=2.8.0 xmlada=21.0.0 Dependencies (graph): openapi=0.8.0 --> security=1.5.1 (^1.5.0) openapi=0.8.0 --> utilada=2.8.0 (^2.6.0) openapi=0.8.0 --> utilada_xml=2.8.0 (^2.6.0) security=1.5.1 --> utilada=2.8.0 (^2.6.0) security=1.5.1 --> utilada_xml=2.8.0 (^2.6.0) utilada_xml=2.8.0 --> utilada=2.8.0 (^2.7.0) utilada_xml=2.8.0 --> xmlada=21.0.0 (*) LOG: Spawning: alr -d -n get --build openapi=0.8.0 Note: Deploying openapi=0.8.0... Note: Building openapi=0.8.0/openapi.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project Openapi [mkdir] library directory for project Openapi Compile [Ada] openapi-credentials.ads [Ada] openapi-clients.adb [Ada] openapi-streams.adb [Ada] swagger.ads [Ada] openapi-streams-forms.adb [Ada] openapi-credentials-oauth.adb [Ada] openapi.adb Build Libraries [gprlib] openapi.lexch [archive] libopenapi.a [index] libopenapi.a openapi=0.8.0 successfully retrieved and built. Dependencies were solved as follows: + security 1.5.1 (new) + utilada 2.8.0 (new) + utilada_xml 2.8.0 (new) + xmlada 21.0.0 (new,indirect) Found declared GPR file: openapi.gpr