Test ran at 2025-02-09 00:45:17.607706+00:00 SOLUTION: partord=1.0.0: Small library for sorting with partial orders Origin: commit 30057d94d0ebda3278b329a5e8be46cf1caedd52 from https://gitlab.com/my-ada-library/partord.git Properties: Author: Riccardo Bernardini Description: Small library for sorting with partial orders License: MIT Long_Description: This is a generic library that exports a sorting function that can operate with partial ordering, that is, it can happen that for some A /= B neither A < B nor A > B hold. Maintainer: Riccardo Bernardini Maintainers_Logins: fintatarta Name: partord Project_File: partord.gpr Tag: sorting Version: 1.0.0 Website: https://gitlab.com/my-ada-library/partord/ LOG: Spawning: alr -d -n get --build partord=1.0.0 Note: Deploying partord=1.0.0... Note: Migrating lockfile from /home/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/test/dc19d71f-8dd8-4d14-91c0-1b435add94f2/partord_1.0.0_30057d94/alire.lock to /home/runner/work/alire-crates-ci/alire-crates-ci/test/dc19d71f-8dd8-4d14-91c0-1b435add94f2/partord_1.0.0_30057d94/alire/alire.lock Note: Building partord=1.0.0/partord.gpr... Compile [Ada] partial_order_sorting.ads [Ada] partial_order_sorting-array_sort.adb Build Libraries [gprlib] Partord_Lib.lexch [archive] libPartord_Lib.a [index] libPartord_Lib.a partord=1.0.0 successfully retrieved and built. There are no dependencies. Found declared GPR file: partord.gpr