Test ran at 2025-02-18 13:08:46.220327+00:00 SOLUTION: remoteio=2.22792.1: Remote I/O Protocol Client Library for GNAT Ada Origin: source archive remoteio-2.22792.1.tbz2 at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pmunts/alire-crates/a15faffc09ca288cba0bb4f868e6ad1b2eefa1fa/remoteio/remoteio-2.22792.1.tbz2 with hashes sha256:6fb1921cc4d9ebe9361aa4959a4ddce0fc22ea3d6a6e37edd6d9ca78261f1a63, sha512:2c297ff2b836a6aae540c1d23c56bd76756744cabc570c63afc68e063d4db0f72734c0eaa72e321bd86e7e30e32c1906a585045bd0be441077843c69ec9ca640 Available when: (case OS is Linux => True, Macos => True, Windows => True, others => False) Properties: case OS is when Linux => Post_Fetch run: sh -c ./postfetch.linux (from ${CRATE_ROOT}/.) when Macos => Post_Fetch run: sh -c ./postfetch.macos (from ${CRATE_ROOT}/.) when Windows => Post_Fetch run: sh -c ./postfetch.windows (from ${CRATE_ROOT}/.) Author: Philip Munts Description: Remote I/O Protocol Client Library for GNAT Ada License: BSD-1-Clause Long_Description: This crate contains a subset of the [**Linux Simple I/O Library**](https://github.com/pmunts/libsimpleio) Ada packages that are relevant for building [**Remote I/O Protocol**](http://git.munts.com/libsimpleio/doc/RemoteIOProtocol.pdf) client programs. This crate can be built for Linux, MacOS, or Windows targets. The **Remote I/O Protocol** is a lightweight message protocol for performing remote I/O operations. The protocol is implemented using a request/reply pattern, where the master device (*e.g.* a Linux computer) transmits an I/O request in a 64-byte message to the slave device (*e.g.* a single chip microcontroller). The slave device performs the requested I/O operation and returns an I/O response in a 64-byte message back to the master device. The protocol is kept as simple as possible (exactly one 64-byte request message and one 64- byte response message) to allow using low end single chip microcontrollers such as the [PIC16F1455](https://www.microchip.com/en-us/product/PIC16F1455) for the slave device. Although particularly suited for USB raw HID devices, this protocol can use any transport mechanism that can reliably transmit and receive 64-byte messages. Maintainer: Philip Munts Maintainers_Logins: pmunts Name: remoteio Project_File: remoteio.gpr Tag: embedded Tag: linux Tag: remoteio Tag: adc Tag: dac Tag: gpio Tag: i2c Tag: motor Tag: pwm Tag: sensor Tag: serial Tag: servo Tag: spi Tag: stepper Version: 2.22792.1 Website: https://github.com/pmunts/libsimpleio Dependencies (direct): case Distribution is when Homebrew => libhidapi* when Macports => libhidapi* case Distribution is when Homebrew => libusb* when Macports => libusb* case OS is when Linux => libhidapi* case OS is when Linux => libusb* Dependencies (solution): libhidapi=0.14.0 libusb=1.0.27 Dependencies (graph): remoteio=2.22792.1 --> libhidapi=0.14.0 (*) remoteio=2.22792.1 --> libusb=1.0.27 (*) LOG: Spawning: alr -d -n get --build remoteio=2.22792.1 Note: Deploying remoteio=2.22792.1... #=#=# ############################################## 63.9% ######################################################################## 100.0% Note: Deploying libhidapi=0.14.0... The system package 'hidapi' is about to be installed. This action might require admin privileges and impact your system installation. Do you want Alire to install this system package? Using default: Yes resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Package (1) New Version Net Change Download Size extra/hidapi 0.14.0-3 0.13 MiB 0.04 MiB Total Download Size: 0.04 MiB Total Installed Size: 0.13 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] :: Retrieving packages... hidapi-0.14.0-3-x86_64 downloading... checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... :: Processing package changes... installing hidapi... Optional dependencies for hidapi libusb: for hidapi-libusb [installed] :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate... Note: Running post-fetch actions for remoteio=2.22792.1... Note: Building remoteio=2.22792.1/remoteio.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project RemoteIO [mkdir] library directory for project RemoteIO Compile [Ada] remoteio-client-serial.adb [Ada] remoteio-client.adb [Ada] remoteio-arduino.ads [Ada] spi-remoteio.adb [Ada] remoteio-lpc1114-gpio.adb [Ada] remoteio-munts_0018.ads [Ada] dac-remoteio.adb [Ada] remoteio-client-libusb.ads [Ada] adc-remoteio.adb [Ada] remoteio-munts_0016.ads [Ada] remoteio-abstract_device.adb [Ada] remoteio-grove_base_hat_zero.ads [Ada] remoteio-beaglebone.ads [Ada] gpio-remoteio.adb [Ada] remoteio-lpc1114-legorc.adb [Ada] pwm-remoteio.adb [Ada] remoteio-client-hidapi.ads [Ada] remoteio-client-zeromq.ads [Ada] remoteio-qwiic_hat.ads [Ada] remoteio-munts_0015.ads [Ada] remoteio-pocketbeagle.ads [Ada] remoteio-lpc1114-adc.adb [Ada] remoteio-client-udp.ads [Ada] remoteio-client-stream.ads [Ada] remoteio-lpc1114-timers.adb [Ada] remoteio-enviro_phat.ads [Ada] remoteio-munts_0008.ads [Ada] remoteio-automation_phat.ads [Ada] remoteio-lpc1114-pwm.adb [Ada] i2c-remoteio.adb [Ada] remoteio-lpc1114.adb [Ada] remoteio-munts_0009.ads [Ada] remoteio-adc_dac_pi_zero.ads [Ada] remoteio-raspberrypi.ads [Ada] remoteio.ads [Ada] clickboard-expand-remoteio.adb [Ada] clickboard-pwm_click-remoteio.adb [Ada] clickboard-htu21d-remoteio.adb [Ada] clickboard-altitude-remoteio.adb [Ada] clickboard-remoteio.adb [Ada] clickboard-servers.adb [Ada] clickboard-thermo3-remoteio.adb [Ada] clickboard-relay-remoteio.adb [Ada] clickboard-sevensegment-remoteio.adb [Ada] clickboard-expand2-remoteio.adb [Ada] clickboard-thermo-remoteio.adb [Ada] clickboard-leds_8x8-remoteio.adb [Ada] clickboard-adc-remoteio.adb [Ada] clickboard-thermo3.ads [Ada] clickboard-leds_8x8.adb [Ada] clickboard.ads [Ada] clickboard-adc.adb [Ada] clickboard-thermo.ads [Ada] clickboard-template.ads [Ada] clickboard-pwm_click.ads [Ada] clickboard-htu21d.ads [Ada] clickboard-sevensegment.adb [Ada] clickboard-relay.ads [Ada] clickboard-altitude.ads [Ada] clickboard-expand2.adb [Ada] clickboard-expand.adb [Ada] zeromq-context.adb [Ada] debug.adb [Ada] hid-libusb.adb [Ada] messaging-fixed-zeromq.adb [Ada] message64-stream.ads [Ada] thermistor.adb [Ada] motor-pwm.adb [Ada] message64-zmq.ads [Ada] gpio-pwm.adb [Ada] servo-pwm.ads [Ada] arduino.ads [Ada] messaging-fixed-gnat_udp.adb [Ada] stream_framing_protocol.adb [Ada] zeromq.ads [Ada] motor-servo.adb [Ada] hid-hidapi.adb [Ada] zeromq-sockets.adb [Ada] message64-udp.ads [Ada] messaging-fixed-ada_streams.adb [Ada] motor-legorc.adb [Ada] motor.ads [Ada] message64.ads [Ada] pressure.ads [Ada] accelerometer.ads [Ada] hid.adb [Ada] voltage.ads [Ada] i2c.adb [Ada] spi.ads [Ada] messaging-fixed.ads [Ada] truecolor.ads [Ada] humidity.ads [Ada] io_interfaces.ads [Ada] legorc.ads [Ada] gpio.ads [Ada] analog.ads [Ada] servo.ads [Ada] messaging-text.ads [Ada] resistance.ads [Ada] temperature.ads [Ada] magnetometer.ads [Ada] watchdog.ads [Ada] messaging.adb [Ada] adc.adb [Ada] pwm.ads [Ada] gyroscope.ads [Ada] angle.ads [Ada] dac.adb [Ada] stepper.ads [Ada] joystick.ads [Ada] servo-pwm_template.adb [Ada] adc121c021.adb [Ada] mcp23x17-byte.adb [Ada] grove_tb6612-stepper.adb [Ada] hid-munts.ads [Ada] mcp3202.adb [Ada] pca9534-gpio.adb [Ada] tlc1543.adb [Ada] mcp23x17-word.adb [Ada] tmp102.adb [Ada] max7219.adb [Ada] grove_tb6612.adb [Ada] a4988.adb [Ada] lcd16397.adb [Ada] cytron_md13s.adb [Ada] ads1015.adb [Ada] pca9685-gpio.adb [Ada] mpl3115a2.adb [Ada] mcp23x17.adb [Ada] grove_tb6612-motor.adb [Ada] hdc1080.adb [Ada] tcs3472.adb [Ada] pca9534.adb [Ada] mcp3208.adb [Ada] mcp23x17-gpio.adb [Ada] max31855.adb [Ada] grove_temperature_humidity.ads [Ada] pca8574.adb [Ada] bmp280.adb [Ada] lps25h.adb [Ada] grove_adc.ads [Ada] mcp3204.adb [Ada] mcp4822.adb [Ada] lsm9ds1.adb [Ada] pca9685.adb [Ada] pca8574-gpio.adb [Ada] th02.adb [Ada] htu21d.adb [Ada] pca9685-pwm.adb [Ada] grove_temperature.adb [Ada] hts221.adb [Ada] errno.ads [Ada] libzmq.ads [Ada] remoteio_config.ads Build Libraries [gprlib] remoteio.lexch [archive] libremoteio.a [index] libremoteio.a remoteio=2.22792.1 successfully retrieved and built. Dependencies were solved as follows: +b libhidapi 0.14.0 (new,system package) +b libusb 1.0.27 (new,system package) Found declared GPR file: remoteio.gpr