Test ran at 2024-10-21 13:09:40.500953+00:00 SOLUTION: simple_components=4.68.0: Simple Components - A collection of support packages Origin: commit da9b0f3a3d56a2e60490fa5f23ca510862c252cd from https://github.com/alire-project/dak_simple_components.git Properties: Author: Dmitry A. Kazakov Description: Simple Components - A collection of support packages GPR Scenario: Development := Debug | Release | Profile GPR Scenario: Driver := MySQL | PostgreSQL | SyBase | CT_Lib GPR Scenario: Legacy := Ada95 | Ada2005 | Ada2012 GPR Scenario: Target_OS := Windows | Windows_NT | Linux | UNIX | OSX | FreeBSD | auto GPR Scenario: Tasking := Multiple | Single GPR Scenario: Traced_Objects := Off | On case OS is when Linux => GPR External: odbc := unixODBC when Windows => GPR External: odbc := ODBC32 case Word_Size is when Bits_32 => GPR External: arch := i686 when Bits_64 => GPR External: arch := x86_64 GPR External: Target_OS := auto License: GPL-2.0-only WITH GCC-exception-2.0 Maintainer: alejandro@mosteo.com Maintainer: blady.net@orange.fr Maintainers_Logins: mosteo Maintainers_Logins: Blady-Com Name: simple_components Project_File: components-connections_server-elv_max_cube.gpr Project_File: components-connections_server-http_server-sqlite_browser.gpr Project_File: components-connections_server-http_server.gpr Project_File: components-connections_server-ldap.gpr Project_File: components-connections_server-modbus.gpr Project_File: components-connections_server-mqtt.gpr Project_File: components-connections_server-openssl.gpr Project_File: components-connections_server-secure.gpr Project_File: components-connections_server-smtp.gpr Project_File: components-connections_server.gpr Project_File: components-gnutls.gpr Project_File: components-json.gpr Project_File: components-julia.gpr Project_File: components-ntp.gpr Project_File: components-odbc.gpr Project_File: components-openssl.gpr Project_File: components-python.gpr Project_File: components-sqlite.gpr Project_File: components.gpr Project_File: strings_edit.gpr Project_File: tables.gpr Version: 4.68.0 Website: http://www.dmitry-kazakov.de/ada/components.htm Dependencies (direct): gnat>=2021 | (>=12 & <2000) libgnutls^3.7 unixodbc^2.3 Dependencies (solution): gnat=14.2.1 (gnat_external) (installed) Dependencies (external): libgnutls^3.7 (direct,hinted) unixodbc^2.3 (direct,hinted) Dependencies (graph): simple_components=4.68.0 --> gnat=14.2.1 (gnat_external) (>=2021 | (>=12 & <2000)) simple_components=4.68.0 --> libgnutls^3.7 simple_components=4.68.0 --> unixodbc^2.3 Dependencies cannot be met LOG: