Test ran at 2025-02-11 12:59:54.422153+00:00 SOLUTION: spdx_tool=0.4.1: SPDX license detection and management tool Origin: commit 0ca2cee437e71cd5f8a32edaa6f3facff8868be3 from https://gitlab.com/stcarrez/spdx-tool.git Properties: Post_Fetch run: sh ./alire-setup.sh (from ${CRATE_ROOT}/.) Author: ciceron Description: SPDX license detection and management tool Executable: spdx-tool case OS is when Freebsd => GPR External: USE_MAGICADA := no when Linux => GPR External: USE_MAGICADA := yes when Macos => GPR External: USE_MAGICADA := no when Windows => GPR External: USE_MAGICADA := no License: Apache-2.0 Long_Description: spdx-tool scans the source files to identify licenses and allows to update them in order to use the SPDX license format. It can be used to: * identify the license used in source files of a project, * produce a JSON/XML report for the licenses found with the list of files, * replace a license header by the [SPDX license](https://spdx.org/licenses/) tag equivalent. Identify licenses used in a project: ``` spdx-tool ``` Identify files matching a given license: ``` spdx-tool --only-licenses=Apache-2.0 -f ``` Check the license header before replacing it: ``` spdx-tool --only-licenses=Apache-2.0 --print-license --line-number src ``` Replace the license header by the `SPDX-License-Identifier` header: ``` spdx-tool --only-licenses=Apache-2.0 --update=spdx src ``` Build an XML or JSON report of files with their licenses: ``` spdx-tool --output-xml=report.xml ``` ## Documentation * Man page: [spdx-tool (1)](https://gitlab.com/stcarrez/spdx-tool/-/blob/main/docs/spdx-tool.md?ref_type=heads) Maintainer: ciceron Maintainers_Logins: stcarrez Name: spdx_tool Project_File: spdx_tool.gpr Tag: tools Tag: spdx Tag: license Version: 0.4.1 Website: https://github.com/stcarrez/spdx-tool Dependencies (direct): case OS is when Linux => magicada^1 ada_toml~0.5.0 ansiada^1.0.0 intl^1.0.1 printer_toolkit~0.2.0 sciada~0.4.0 spdx~0.2.0 utilada^2.8.0 utilada_xml^2.8.0 Dependencies (solution): ada_toml=0.5.0 ansiada=1.1.0 gnat=14.2.1 (gnat_arm_elf) intl=1.0.1 magicada=1.0.1 printer_toolkit=0.2.0 sciada=0.4.0 spdx=0.2.0 utilada=2.8.0 utilada_xml=2.8.0 xmlada=25.0.0 Dependencies (missing): libmagic* (indirect,hinted) Dependencies (graph): magicada=1.0.1 --> libmagic* printer_toolkit=0.2.0 --> ansiada=1.1.0 (^1.0.0) spdx_tool=0.4.1 --> ada_toml=0.5.0 (~0.5.0) spdx_tool=0.4.1 --> ansiada=1.1.0 (^1.0.0) spdx_tool=0.4.1 --> intl=1.0.1 (^1.0.1) spdx_tool=0.4.1 --> magicada=1.0.1 (^1) spdx_tool=0.4.1 --> printer_toolkit=0.2.0 (~0.2.0) spdx_tool=0.4.1 --> sciada=0.4.0 (~0.4.0) spdx_tool=0.4.1 --> spdx=0.2.0 (~0.2.0) spdx_tool=0.4.1 --> utilada=2.8.0 (^2.8.0) spdx_tool=0.4.1 --> utilada_xml=2.8.0 (^2.8.0) utilada_xml=2.8.0 --> utilada=2.8.0 (^2.7.0) utilada_xml=2.8.0 --> xmlada=25.0.0 (*) xmlada=25.0.0 --> gnat=14.2.1 (gnat_arm_elf) (>=11) Dependencies cannot be met LOG: