Test ran at 2022-09-25 01:13:04.487762+00:00 SOLUTION: specfun=1.0.0: Native Ada library of special functions (e.g., beta, gamma) Origin: commit b702d270ca6e1ffb272aa2faa3fc8626ee4739a0 from https://gitlab.com/my-ada-library/specfun.git Properties: Author: Riccardo Bernardini Description: Native Ada library of special functions (e.g., beta, gamma) License: MIT Long_Description: This is a small native Ada library that provides few special functions like Beta, Gamma and Beta Incomplete. I wrote this because I needed those functions, therefore at the moment only the functions that I needed are present. This is a pure native Ada library and there is no dependence on external FORTRAN libraries. Maintainer: Riccardo Bernardini Maintainers_Logins: fintatarta Name: specfun Tag: special-fun Tag: numerics Tag: beta-function Tag: gamma-function Tag: beta-incomplete Version: 1.0.0 Website: https://gitlab.com/my-ada-library/specfun warning: Index 'community' version (1.2.0) is older than the newest supported by alr (1.2.1) warning: You can disable this warning with configuration key 'warning.old_index' Note: If you experience any problems loading this index, you may need to reset the community index with 'alr index --reset-community'. Note that this operation will delete any local changes to the community index. LOG: warning: Index 'community' version (1.2.0) is older than the newest supported by alr (1.2.1) warning: You can disable this warning with configuration key 'warning.old_index' Note: If you experience any problems loading this index, you may need to reset the community index with 'alr index --reset-community'. Note that this operation will delete any local changes to the community index. Note: Deploying specfun=1.0.0... Note: Building specfun/specfun.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project Specfun [mkdir] library directory for project Specfun Compile [Ada] specfun-generic_special_functions.adb [Ada] specfun.ads Build Libraries [gprlib] Specfun.lexch [archive] libSpecfun.a [index] libSpecfun.a Build finished successfully in 0.31 seconds. specfun=1.0.0 successfully retrieved and built. There are no dependencies. Found declared GPR file: specfun.gpr