Test ran at 2024-10-12 13:06:13.082360+00:00 SOLUTION: trendy_terminal=0.0.5: Terminal options, setup, tab completion and hinting. Origin: commit f56da7f18a8ad2c4be12501aa8f31d2aad8f6095 from https://github.com/pyjarrett/trendy_terminal.git Available when: (case OS is Linux => True, Macos => True, Windows => True) Properties: Author: Paul Jarrett Description: Terminal options, setup, tab completion and hinting. GPR Scenario: Mode := debug | optimize case OS is when Linux => GPR External: Trendy_Terminal_Platform := linux when Macos => GPR External: Trendy_Terminal_Platform := macos when Windows => GPR External: Trendy_Terminal_Platform := windows License: Apache-2.0 Maintainer: Paul Jarrett Maintainers_Logins: pyjarrett Name: trendy_terminal Project_File: trendy_terminal.gpr Tag: terminal Tag: command-line Tag: console Tag: vt100 Version: 0.0.5 Website: https://github.com/pyjarrett/trendy_terminal LOG: Note: Deploying trendy_terminal=0.0.5... Note: Building trendy_terminal/trendy_terminal.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project Trendy_Terminal [mkdir] library directory for project Trendy_Terminal Compile [Ada] trendy_terminal-platform.adb [Ada] trendy_terminal-linux.ads [Ada] trendy_terminal-string_vectors.ads [Ada] trendy_terminal-io.adb [Ada] trendy_terminal-io-line_editors.adb [Ada] trendy_terminal-completions.adb [Ada] trendy_terminal-lines-line_vectors.ads [Ada] trendy_terminal-environments.adb [Ada] trendy_terminal.ads [Ada] trendy_terminal-histories.adb [Ada] trendy_terminal-lines.adb [Ada] trendy_terminal-maps.adb [Ada] trendy_terminal-vt100.adb Build Libraries [gprlib] Trendy_Terminal.lexch [archive] libTrendy_Terminal.a [index] libTrendy_Terminal.a Build finished successfully in 3.40 seconds. trendy_terminal=0.0.5 successfully retrieved and built. There are no dependencies. Found declared GPR file: trendy_terminal.gpr