Test ran at 2024-07-07 01:14:49.496192+00:00 SOLUTION: wl_lib=0.1.3: Handy library packages Origin: commit 1c94dc7ca9d808d2666de70e53c1225ac9a33e42 from https://github.com/blancolioni/wl_lib.git Properties: Author: Fraser Wilson Description: Handy library packages License: GPL-3.0-or-later Maintainer: Fraser Wilson Maintainers_Logins: blancolioni Name: wl_lib Tag: miscellanea Tag: utility Version: 0.1.3 Website: https://github.com/blancolioni/wl_lib LOG: Note: Deploying wl_lib=0.1.3... Note: Building wl_lib/wl_lib.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project Wl_Lib [mkdir] library directory for project Wl_Lib Compile [Ada] wl_lib_config.ads [Ada] wl-images.adb [Ada] wl-random-weighted_random_choices.adb [Ada] wl-heaps.adb [Ada] wl-numerics-generic_geometry.adb [Ada] wl-images-tga.adb [Ada] wl-guids.adb [Ada] wl-json.adb [Ada] wl-images-dds.adb [Ada] wl-noise.adb [Ada] wl-images-bitmaps.adb [Ada] wl-command_line.adb [Ada] wl-indefinite_heaps.adb [Ada] wl-numerics-roman.adb [Ada] wl-string_sets.adb [Ada] wl-unit-compare_test.adb [Ada] wl-generic_quantities.adb [Ada] wl-generic_real_images.adb [Ada] wl-random-names.adb [Ada] wl-random-height_maps.adb [Ada] wl-brownian_noise.adb [Ada] wl-files.ads [Ada] wl-string_maps.ads [Ada] wl-numerics.ads [Ada] wl-processes.adb [Ada] wl-generic_money.adb [Ada] wl-files-elf.adb [Ada] wl.ads [Ada] wl-binary_io.adb [Ada] wl-reports-tables.adb [Ada] wl-images-reader.adb [Ada] wl-bitmap_io.adb [Ada] wl-json-tests.adb [Ada] wl-random.adb [Ada] wl-unit-identity_test.adb [Ada] wl-numerics-generic_trigonometry.adb [Ada] wl-guids-tests.adb [Ada] wl-graphs.adb [Ada] wl-work.adb [Ada] wl-quad_trees.adb [Ada] wl-reports.adb [Ada] wl-unit.adb [Ada] wl-guids-maps.ads wl-files-elf.adb:336:07: warning: "Index" is not modified, could be declared constant [-gnatwk] wl-files-elf.adb:452:25: warning: constant "Sym_Idx" is not referenced [-gnatwu] wl-files-elf.adb:505:80: (style) this line is too long wl-files-elf.adb:653:07: warning: formal parameter "Mode" is not referenced [-gnatwu] wl-files-elf.adb:775:19: (style) "end Put_String" required wl-files-elf.ads:33:01: (style) multiple blank lines wl-files-elf.ads:98:19: (style) bad casing of "Elf_Word_32" declared at line 14 wl-files-elf.ads:301:19: (style) bad casing of "Elf_Word_32" declared at line 14 wl-files-elf.ads:305:13: (style) bad casing of "Elf_Word_8" declared at line 12 Build Libraries [gprlib] Wl_Lib.lexch [archive] libWl_Lib.a [index] libWl_Lib.a Build finished successfully in 6.72 seconds. wl_lib=0.1.3 successfully retrieved and built. There are no dependencies. Found declared GPR file: wl_lib.gpr