Test ran at 2025-02-08 00:34:34.122660+00:00 SOLUTION: yeison=0.1.0: A JSON-like data structure using Ada 2022 features Origin: commit 054232ad738902e42740936b7e9f2867d0411b09 from https://github.com/mosteo/yeison.git Properties: Author: Alejandro R. Mosteo Description: A JSON-like data structure using Ada 2022 features License: MIT Maintainer: Alejandro R. Mosteo Maintainers_Logins: mosteo Name: yeison Tag: json Tag: yaml Tag: toml Tag: containers Version: 0.1.0 Website: https://github.com/mosteo/yeison Dependencies (direct): gnat>=11.2 & <2000 Dependencies (solution): gnat=11.2.4 (gnat_native) Dependencies (graph): yeison=0.1.0 --> gnat=11.2.4 (gnat_native) (>=11.2 & <2000) LOG: Spawning: alr -d -n get --build yeison=0.1.0 Note: Deploying yeison=0.1.0... Note: Building yeison=0.1.0/yeison.gpr... Setup [mkdir] object directory for project Yeison [mkdir] library directory for project Yeison Compile [Ada] yeison_classwide.adb [Ada] yeison.ads [Ada] yeison_single.adb [Ada] yeison_multi.adb yeison_single.adb:4:10: warning: no entities of "GNAT.IO" are referenced yeison_single.adb:4:15: warning: use clause for package "IO" has no effect yeison_single.adb:56:10: warning: Constant_Reference unimplemented Build Libraries [gprlib] Yeison.lexch [archive] libYeison.a [index] libYeison.a yeison=0.1.0 successfully retrieved and built. Dependencies were solved as follows: +b gnat 11.2.4 (new,gnat_native,binary) Found declared GPR file: yeison.gpr