Test ran at 2025-03-14 01:25:36.311559+00:00

zipada=60.0.0: Manage Zip Archives and raw BZip2 and LZMA streams
Origin: source archive zipada60.zip at https://sourceforge.net/projects/unzip-ada/files/zipada60.zip with hash sha512:72ea5aa444cd8c2a81f93fcabc51a09b9e579a9db647b2e17225008244e1a8b6eca3644a89d9171d10eda319c7091abdc17fa9a003d37e653e35ff716abbcf56
   Author: Gautier de Montmollin
   Description: Manage Zip Archives and raw BZip2 and LZMA streams
   Executable: comp_zip
   Executable: find_zip
   Executable: lzma_dec
   Executable: lzma_enc
   Executable: rezip
   Executable: unzipada
   Executable: zipada
   Executable: zip_dir_list
   case OS is
      when Macos => GPR External: Zip_OS := MacOSX
      when Windows => GPR External: Zip_OS := Win64
   License: MIT
   Long_Description: ![Zip-Ada logo](https://unzip-ada.sourceforge.io/za_logo.png)

Zip-Ada is a free, open-source programming library for dealing with the Zip compressed archive file format.
The full sources of Zip-Ada are in Ada, compilable on every compiler and for every system (*).

Key features of Zip-Ada:

* Files and streams supported, for archives and entries, for compression and decompression
* Task safe
* Endian-neutral
* Standalone
* Zip methods supported for compression: Reduce, Shrink, Deflate, BZip2, LZMA.
* Zip methods supported for decompression: the above methods, plus: Implode, Deflate64
* Library is in pure Ada 2012 (nothing compiler/system specific), can be used in projects in Ada 2012 and later versions of the language
* Unconditionally portable (*)
* Tests and demos included

The library includes LZMA & BZip2 independant compressor & decompressor pairs
(can be used outside of the Zip archive context).


(*) within limits of compiler's provided integer types and target architecture capacity.

   Maintainer: gdemont@hotmail.com
   Maintainers_Logins: mosteo
   Maintainers_Logins: zertovitch
   Name: zipada
   Project_File: zipada.gpr
   Tag: zip
   Tag: archive
   Tag: compression
   Tag: deflate
   Tag: lzma
   Tag: bzip2
   Tag: lzw
   Tag: shrink
   Version: 60.0.0
   Website: https://unzip-ada.sourceforge.io/

Spawning: alr -d -n get --build zipada=60.0.0
Note: Deploying zipada=60.0.0...

######################################################################## 100.0%
######################################################################## 100.0%
######################################################################## 100.0%
######################################################################## 100.0%
#                                                                          1.4%
##                                                                         4.0%
##########                                                                14.9%
################################                                          45.1%
######################################################################## 100.0%
Note: Building zipada=60.0.0/zipada.gpr...
   [mkdir]        object directory for project ZipAda
   [Ada]          zipada.adb
   [Ada]          unzipada.adb
   [Ada]          comp_zip.adb
   [Ada]          find_zip.adb
   [Ada]          rezip.adb
   [Ada]          zip_dir_list.adb
   [Ada]          touch2.adb
   [Ada]          bzip2_dec.adb
   [Ada]          bzip2_enc.adb
   [Ada]          lzma_dec.adb
   [Ada]          lzma_enc.adb
   [Ada]          comp_zip_prc.adb
   [Ada]          show_license.adb
   [Ada]          unzip.adb
   [Ada]          zip.adb
   [Ada]          zip_console_io.adb
   [Ada]          unzip-streams.adb
   [Ada]          set_modification_time_gnat.adb
   [Ada]          zip-compress.adb
   [Ada]          zip-create.adb
   [Ada]          zip_streams.adb
   [Ada]          rezip_lib.adb
   [Ada]          bzip2.adb
   [Ada]          bzip2-decoding.adb
   [Ada]          lzma.ads
   [Ada]          lzma-decoding.adb
   [Ada]          bzip2-encoding.adb
   [Ada]          huffman-encoding.adb
   [Ada]          unzip-decompress.adb
   [Ada]          zip-headers.adb
   [Ada]          zip-compress-bzip2_e.adb
   [Ada]          zip-compress-deflate.adb
   [Ada]          zip-compress-lzma_e.adb
   [Ada]          zip-compress-reduce.adb
   [Ada]          zip-compress-shrink.adb
   [Ada]          zip-crc_crypto.adb
   [Ada]          huffman.ads
   [Ada]          huffman-encoding-length_limited_coding.adb
   [Ada]          lzma-encoding.adb
   [Ada]          dual_io.adb
   [Ada]          flexible_temp_files.adb
   [Ada]          unzip-decompress-huffman.adb
   [Ada]          lz77.adb
   [gprbind]      zipada.bexch
   [gprbind]      unzipada.bexch
   [gprbind]      comp_zip.bexch
   [Ada]          zipada.ali
   [gprbind]      find_zip.bexch
   [Ada]          unzipada.ali
   [Ada]          comp_zip.ali
   [Ada]          find_zip.ali
   [gprbind]      rezip.bexch
   [gprbind]      zip_dir_list.bexch
   [Ada]          rezip.ali
   [Ada]          zip_dir_list.ali
   [gprbind]      touch2.bexch
   [Ada]          touch2.ali
   [gprbind]      bzip2_dec.bexch
   [Ada]          bzip2_dec.ali
   [gprbind]      bzip2_enc.bexch
   [Ada]          bzip2_enc.ali
   [gprbind]      lzma_dec.bexch
   [Ada]          lzma_dec.ali
   [gprbind]      lzma_enc.bexch
   [Ada]          lzma_enc.ali
   [link]         zipada.adb
   [link]         unzipada.adb
   [link]         comp_zip.adb
   [link]         find_zip.adb
   [link]         rezip.adb
   [link]         zip_dir_list.adb
   [link]         touch2.adb
   [link]         bzip2_dec.adb
   [link]         bzip2_enc.adb
   [link]         lzma_dec.adb
   [link]         lzma_enc.adb

zipada=60.0.0 successfully retrieved and built.
There are no dependencies.
Found declared GPR file: zipada.gpr